Among us...

Odsier Plains

Vastad strode across the native Plains of Arcadia. Everywhere he looked he saw clouds of ravens and jackals feasting on the decomposing bodies of the fallen. The air was still heavy with the metallic smell of arterial blood, that stuck to the back of your throat like soot. Blood and shit. They never spoke about the smell of carnage in the great poems of conquest.

A mighty victory had been won here in his name and that of his siblings. It had pulled them here after millennia. He rolled his shoulders as he scoped the horizon looking for his brother who would be here collecting and binding the soul of the dead.

He found him where the battle had been the fiercest. Where the line of the Ostiarium army, spearheaded by the Silent Flock, had broken against the so called blood of Erewhon.

"Their power is considerable for such weak vessels..." Came the sepulchral voice. He was kneeling feeling the scorched earth, as always covered in his dirty gray shroud. Zinheim stood tasting the dirt.

Vastad nodded.

"You found them..." He said. Another nod from the God of War. "You should just pluck the Vauxian, kill the Arbiter and be done with this charade."

"And where is the sport in that, brother?" Came the jovial replied. "She still has a part to play."

The air around the two grew colder.
"Her sword is pledged to another it seems." Zin said looking at the memories they both now shared.

"A bargain. A one off deal." Came the unworried reply."

"I don't share your passion for rolling dice. Kill her and be done with it. No loose ends."

Vastad ignored the advice. Silent streched between the two brothers.

"The Vauxian enclave's location is a boon however..." Vastad started changing the subject. "Hidden for so long, we thought them extinct."

"A secret that no one knows but you is the most powerful secret there can ever be." Zin declared enigmatically. "Hoi maybe?"

"Could be. She has enough followers in those jungles but this reeks of Ereuhin." Vastad said touching the pommel of his blade. "She never did forgive us for suplanting her in Salos."

"Cambena's agents move on Kru'll..." Zin said and the God of War nodded. "She will be needed here before long."

He nodded. "But not before we deal with the Twins."

< Prev : Just her luck Next > : Luck or Will?