Home is where the heart is...

Oshar, Herald of the Maelstrom, walked through the streets of Gra'akast with a renewed sense of purpose. The soul stone felt warm against his skin and he reached absently to touch it, closing his eyes briefly in a prayer of thanks to his holy benefactors. Viher and Yther were smiling down upon him this night. He was home and his mission was almost complete.

The holy city was ablaze with the rumours of the three penitents, who were even now preparing themselves for the holy trial. Only three? This was a surprise indeed. However, rather than being disturbed by the sparse offering, Oshar felt a thrill of excitement. Not since the first Call had so few presented themselves for the choosing. It had to be a sign.

Overhead the waning moon began to pour its light over the rooftops of the holy city. A baptism of ethereal silver. The new moon was approaching and with it... Oshar smiled as he considered his part in the events that would follow.

"The fool truly believes what they have told him." the voice of the crone echoed in his mind and in response he heard the woman Melandra laughing. He released the stone and looked around him as the laughter continued in his mind.

"What is wrong assassin? Do you fear the voices of the dead?" The voice of the friar sounded from just behind him and Oshar turned with a snarl. A young girl who had been walking behind yelped and dropped her basket spilling bread upon the floor.

"I am sorry." Oshar breathed, bending down to help the girl gather her produce.

"You will be sorry." Laughed Melandra.

"Silence!" Oshar yelled out and the girl he had been helping squealed in fright and scurried out of his way.

"Poor man thinks he can avoid the dream." Nicholas observed with his disembodied voice. "Interesting."

"Enough!" Oshar screamed clutching his head. This seemed to do the trick as the voices grew silent. The few people still wandering the streets in the failing light turned to stare at him. Oshar moved on quickly now, making his way toward the heart of the City.

Tamazzalt was waiting. He would bring the stone to the Ascendant and then... well then things would become interesting. Then he would silence the dream once and for all.

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