Clear Intentions

JP with Omni and mdmanosfan

Ch’Truta was no great warrior strategist. He saw himself as a simple man, whom without the guidance of the swamp spirit’s would have a meaningless life.

He realized that Silina had most likely been trained to fight since childhood. Was she more the impulsive charger or could she incorporate strategy into her battles?

Shaking his head, Ch’Truta humbly spoke. “I am simply a shaman from the Chulla Brood of the great swamp in Still Valley.I do not swear to know the strategies of war,” he confessed. “I believe it to be the greatness of our armies, divided into three branches. Instead of the enemy defending and solidifying one place, it forces them to thin out their ranks to defend three fronts.”

Ch’Truta gazed up into Silina’s strong face. A face that showed the hardness of her features, strengthened by the fierce training which had brought her to be the warrior she is. He looked for any indication that she understood the implications of all that Ch’Truta had been saying. Inwardly, Ch’Truta felt unclean. If he truly had meant what he was saying, Ch’Truta would accept the penalty of death. It would be a cleansing of his sins.

"If your spirits say that victory is certain… why come to me with these visions, these questions of leadership?" Silina's tone was laced with a cool irritation, her patience thinning. She crossed her arms in annoyance. "What would I know of Sister Locust's choices? I am not the leader here. I do not sit at her council. What exactly are you asking of me?”

Ch’Truta gave her a mysterious smile in this situation. One that indicated he had good reason. In fact, three.

“One,” Ch’Truta boldly spoke forth, “you are more familiar with the Twins. Are they ones to hesitate or to act?”

Ch’Truta continued speaking as he stood full height. “Second, although you are fair in looks, you are of the warrior kind. Is it better to wait or to act? Third,” Ch’Truta continued, now standing before her and gazing into amber eyes, “if I return, I fear the sisters may see my doubt. Do you have place for me in your camp? At least, until I work out my doubts.”

Silina's demeanor softened as the man's intentions became clearer, her mood further lightened by the transformation of the canopy above. Where once butterflies fluttered, now blue fireflies steadily replaced them, their glow dancing and weaving through the evening air. She let out a resigned sigh.

"I, too, hesitated. Maybe that's why I failed the trial. It was Islana who was chosen by the Twins as Sister Locust, guided by the wisdom of those who came before her. This much is clear. Yet, I confess, I do not understand some of her decisions, nor current hesitance. Perhaps she has a lingering empathy for the people she once belonged to.

What then, can we do? She leads the horde. If patience is our only option, so be it. You're welcome to find space within or near our camp.”

Ch’Truta was taken aback. Perhaps he was wrong about Silina. A few days of surveillance would tell, although this meeting gave Ch’Truta a positive feeling concerning Silina.

“I am grateful to you,” Ch’Truta offered, “Silina of the Aroka.”

Inside, Ch’Truta desired to be near Islana. To be her protector. If this were the spirits’ means for him to be her shield, then so be it.

“Speak nothing of it. I have seen strange things, and I trust the Twins above all. They will guide our path to fight together and drive out the Helians, Ch’Truta… one way or another.” That last part hinted at unspoken meaning or intent.

The last statement didn’t escape Ch’Truta’s attention. It certainly left something open. What was at this time beyond Ch’Truta’s knowledge. He could assume, but that assumption may be wrong, which is why his mission was important.

Using his spear as a walking stick, Ch’Truta held out an arm to Silina. “Then you shall teach me of the Twins,” he replied with a grin, “and I shall teach you of the One Who Walks in the Night, The Devourer, Uctilo'rhu.”

That was the god Ch’Truta followed. A god who did not hesitate. One that skulked and preyed, striking those who were either sacrificed or foolish.

Silina took the man’s arm with caution and hesitance. She knew little about the brood men, but she had heard rumors. Now she was inviting one to camp. She hoped she wouldn’t regret it.

“They are the only true gods, Yther and Viher. Life and death. Water and dust.” she began as they headed to camp under a dome of burgeoning stars.

Ch’Truta nodded at the information, then made a correlation, “Just as the tree?”

“Just as the tree.” agreed the young woman.

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