From Somewhere Beyond

Sentinel - Haven
JP with Omni and Lorem

Ilyra sat back, her expression one of somber revelation. "Then it must be so. The visions of mine ancestors were clouded, yet 'tis as they did fear. The Central Realms, a wasteland now, consumed by wild magik's aftermath, in war's cruel wake. King Torkaus, sorcerer of powerful repute, hath wrought the exodus of thy kin, who with the Inquisition brought vengeance dire upon mine own, though true, they bore little innocence, those who suffered."

She paused, turning to young Ylja, beseeching something of the girl, who hesitantly agreed and took her leave.

"Forgive me. I thirst," she said to the Vaux, then resumed her discourse. "Now, let us cast our gaze back further still. 'Twas said thy kind hail not from this world's bounds, but from The Void, through a rift they came somewhere in Merkavah… uhhh…” she paused to think, “Medagris… Ikioyr Ouhc (the old Helian and Vaux names for the collective Central Realms). A well of magik there did exist, yet strange it seems they should come to our world… and for why thee would depart thine own realm to tread upon our world we do not know.”

Ylja returned with a clay pitcher of water and four cups held by here small fingers by there interiors. Draza and the elder thanked Ylja and she began to pour each person a cup of water, including Gonyaul.

Everything had seemed plausible up until right then. Gonyaul looked confused and he measured the reaction of the others to try and gauge if Ilyra was being serious or not.

Gonyaul looked stupefied. “Wait?! Are you …” he paused as Ylja had entered with something to drink for all present. It was such a simple thing, but he was overwhelmed with gratitude. His eyes were wet by the time she handed him his cup. It would go well with his dry throat and upset tummy; he had eaten his last meal way too fast. “Thank you Ylja.” He toasted his cup to all present. “Blessings.” And he quickly downed the drink, savoring the refreshing sensation it brought.

He looked back at them, “What are you saying exactly? What do you mean by COMING to YOUR world?” Those words felt like nonsense coming out of his mouth. Did she mean from a different continent?

"I cannot say the specifics, for they have passed down through tales from my elders. But 'tis believed as I have spoken. Your kin, not from our realm, but somewhere beyond, much like the Ether, foreign to our world, yet still it seeps in.” she tried to explain.

She had repeated herself more clearly and yet it still seemed surreal. Gonyaul grappled with this new information. Was it true that there were places beyond the tangible world he knew to exist. Were these places, beyond existentialist reason, tangible to the senses or immaterial? Are gods just beings that come from such places?

“Interesting …” he murmured as he looked up in thought, as if new mysteries had manifested above for him to investigate. He was noticeably daydreaming, distracted by such newness of perspective. Without even looking away from whatever he was looking at, he asked, “Ether? Please explain.”

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