The Boy MUST Be Trained

Sentinel Island - Surathi Haven

Draza felt the urge to groan and shake her head once more, but the peculiar Vaux's response brimmed with an unexpected positivity. His eagerness to assist was admirable, and she sensed a genuine sincerity in his words. Yet, she couldn't reconcile this enthusiasm with the prophetic visions, of which she did not have.

Though Gonyaul couldn't decipher the following words that were exchanged, he discerned the underlying tones and emotions conveyed by these females, spanning from youth to elder. He grasped the essence of their conversation.

"He is a fool, weak and oblivious to the peril that looms,” Draza said to her mother.

“The omens led us to him! Not for strength but for his boundless spirit! And his ability to nullify wild magik.” cried Ylja, clearly exhausted of her aunt’s refusal to believe the signs.

"Mother, this Vaux, though commendably spirited, lacks the strength in form and alleged ability to nullify Etherin. Unlike the legends of yore, I overcame him with ease. He is ill-suited to confront Y'ghotan. You both saw him after the dream.”

"Nay, Draza, it is not weakness, but rather a lack of preparation that gives you pause. Did you not whimper in terror when first you beheld the daemon? We shall equip him with patience, guidance, and the proper wards and rituals,” said Ilyra.

Draza’s mouth twitched and she folded her arms, not unlike a child throwing a tantrum.

“My daughter…” Ilyra started, breathing a sigh of extended patience. “Consider your own skill, akin to a muscle. It may flex unintentionally on occasion, but strength must be cultivated. A muscle must be exercised. If he grew up in isolation, his muscle, metaphorically speaking, would have atrophied from disuse. He has had little exposure to Etherin or their magic, but he has spoken of its use in saving the Arbiter."

Draza outwardly pondered this notion with the tapping of her foot and finally she reached a point of reluctant agreement to give him a chance.

"He does indeed exhibit an odd resilience at the very least, enduring even in the face of days of mistreatment... I will do what I must. And I hope you are both right. For all of our sakes.”

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