Aquilo - North Wind

The second true settlement in Arcadia came in the shape of a mining shanty town in the foothills of Fang. Initially leased from the mountain clans in exchange for mined metals and steel weapons it would grow to become the forge of Ostiarium and Helias war machine in Arcadia.

At first it was no more than some hastily erected buildings and tents, for the miners and blacksmiths. A large forge stood at the heart of the settlement overseen by Markus Norixius, an especially gifted blacksmith and tinkerer. Using techniques he had learned in his time with the metalsmiths of Garrah, and his one innovations, he established the first permanent mining operation in Eastern Arcadia. Smithies, smelting houses and open-cast mining became a feature of the town for decades to come. The alliance between Ostiarium and the mountain clans, who would provide much of the man power for the mines, ensured a steady supply of ores, weapons and agricultural tools to the allies.

Aquilo would also become a focal point of military engagement with the native tribes of the Eastern Plains.

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