New Arrivals

Ostiarium harbour

Alcuin - Finally, after a month at sea, in the confined decks and holds of the ship, you almost cannot believe when you see land. Yours is the first vessel to docs in the harbour. Two others stay anchored in the Bay of Pearls. The other three that were part of your fleet continue north along the coast line. Huge cheers go up among the crew and the other passengers

When your turn comes to set foot on this new land you feel a sudden rush of dizziness and sickness as your body adjusts once again to not having to rock with the motion of the ship and the sea. Part of you wishes you don't have to set foot on another ship anytime soon.

You look around the bustling port as all newcomers like yourself seem to be lined up in groups by foremen and a couple of men in Colonial Army uniforms. At the edge of the dock you are made to register your name and occupation with a group of clerks gathered around a large leather bound ledger. You make your mark in front of your name before being allowed into the town.

You are told that the Oak Cup near the Keep is a goid place for someone in your line of work to find accomodation. And you are advised that you should not undertake any of your duties until you speak with the City Guard and a representative of the Duke.

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