Apothecary Shop - Packing up


Nicolaus had spent the the weeks leading into Spring organizing and pursuing his many experiments. When able to concentrate on his own projects as he had set up several worktables in the cellar dedicated to different fields of study. Some were concentrated on exploring local native plants and wildlife for any special attributes. Gathered plants hung from the ceiling drying and the shelves lining the walls were filled with clay and glass jars containing a dizzying array of compounds. Included in this were the samples brought back from Sentinel Island. One area was dedicated specifically to replicating the Alossi globe from the derelict through alchemical means and discovering its properties. He had not failed there, merely found several dozen different ways that wouldn't work.
Now however, no flames in a multitude of colours burned, no liquids frothed and bubbled. The room was quiet and still.

It seemed strange after all the time invested to leave it all behind, but the world was full of wonderous things patiently waiting for sharp wits. He surveyed the room one last time then put out the remaining lights and made his way up the stairs, candle in hand. He closed and locked the sturdy timber door with a heavy iron key.

Tolan had been instructed in dispensing the prepared medicines and they had been working to build up a goodly supply in the storeroom. Nicolaus checked the carefully stacked boxes with there carefully measured and packaged contents. The assistant was perfectly capable of creating the basic day to day needs regardless. He would also continue to make arrangements with local farmers to produce herbs and medicinal plants for the Apothecary shop to alleviate some of the dependency on shipments from the continent. Weather and war tended to disrupt such things.

The shop was currently empty, Tolan was away making his deliveries for the day and picking up victuals for the evening meal. He was also hand delivering a letter to Seros Thert before returning. Hopefully Tolan would have a return letter to send to him in Aquilo as well as updates on the status of patients and the shop itself.

Nicolaus looked out the window where the stableboy was caring for the horses. His palfrey with its smooth, ambling gait would be comfortable for the long journey. Nicolaus felt nothing but sympathy for those riding in a cart. It would be punishing over time he could well attest and he expected it would not be long before either riding the draft animals or simply walking became the favoured choice. He looked at the placid sumpter horse carrying much of his equipment and belongings, it was apparently quite content under the brush of the boy.

He was ready to delve into the mysteries of this land. But for now, perhaps a cup of tea?

The Letter
To the most excellent, Seros Thert, by grace, Nicolaus Cagliostro wishing you peace and glory.

I write as a supplicant of your emininet goodwill and request your profound aid and indulgence in discourse of a discovery I have made regarding a material you may have familiarity with. In the course of my experimentations with local plants and animals, I have found a particular coastal fish which may be of interest, and which is apparently a cast away by-product of fishing as it’s flesh is not suitable for consumption, and that it is caught primarily during autumn and winter. Do you possess any further information regarding this fish as it may prove to have unforseen benefits?

Fare thee as well as I fare. May the desirable prosperity of your favour be preserved always.

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