Oh my

Chase was taken aback and felt seriously underdressed now when he saw the girls come down. "I, uh... wow," was all he could manage.

Amir bowed gentlemanly. "Ladies, you both look absolutely amazing," he gestured down the walk, "shall we? Come on, Raul, let's not keep the ladies waiting. Catch us up on yourself as we walk, eh?"

(Feel free to chime in about yourself when you get a chance to post then add more as a second part as we'll be at the party.)

Hearing Raul's story, Amir offered the planned part of his - what he'd give to most everyone. Chase offered very little, his usual reply.

They could hear the party well before seeing it. There was a guy out front with the cheerleader from before. "$10 Red Solo cup....$10."

"My treat," Amir reached in his pocket and handed over $50 for the five of them and distributed the cups accordingly. There was a keg at the door and everyone filled their cups or get a very strange look from those around them. It was your typical house party. Someone had cleared one room entirely for dancing. It was already crowded but that was alright with Amir - meant if anyone was dancing near him they'd have to be closer.

Chase spied the 'lounge' area - several couches and ducked over there quickly.

"Alright, who's dancing with me?" Amir asked.

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