JP - The Keep - Dormitory - Miyuki's Room - Weep Just a little

Millie gently knocked on Miyuki’s door.

Looking at the door since it was still open upon her request, she called, "Come in."

“Hi.” Millie said, stepping inside. “I wanted to check on you after… my brother.”

“It’s fine…” Miyuki said almost too quickly with a hint of pain in her tone. She glanced at Alex for a moment and sighed. “He’s been here to talk to me…” Her hands settled on her stomach, hurt still in her eyes.

“I’m sorry. He’s still really hung up on Pinja.” Millie said. “You haven’t done anything wrong.”

“I shouldn’t have put my hopes up either,” Miyuki said with a soft sigh and rubbed her belly.

“Lek cares about you… He’s just in love with the idea of Pinja.” Millie said.

“Yet Pinja tells me all the time that she will never love him. She’s too afraid of men and just wants to stay in her room…” Miyuki explained, recalling all the fear she constantly saw in the poor woman’s eyes. “She’s so sweet, but so afraid…”

“Yes.” Millie hugged her midsection. “She used to just be nervous because of what Jack did to her, but she was able to be friends with Lek. Then the raid happened and… after what they did to her she’s terrified.”

Miyuki understood that very well. “I wish I could help her and I wish he would understand everything from her perspective, but I’m positive I’ll never stand a chance…” Her voice became a whisper.

"I think he understands, he's just willing to wait forever for her." Millie sighed. "We have an aunt who had something similar happen to her and she had a baby. Our uncle married her because he loved her and it was, er, a marriage in name only for a long time. Though eventually…" Millie shrugged. "They have had more kids and are happy together. I think Lek was hoping for something like that, even if they are in separate beds for the rest of his life just so he could support the girl he loves."

Miyuki was silent and just shrugged. There wasn't anything she could do and it was taking all of her willpower not to shed tears. It seemed as though it never mattered - no matter where she went or who she met, she was destined to be without a mate. She only hoped her child would have a happier life than herself.

She also hoped getting rid of most of her fur might help a little. Aside from her ears and tail, she looked mostly human beneath all the fur. Maybe a change was what she needed.

"I should…I should rest." Miyuki finally said as she started to slip her shoes off and rubbed at her ankles. "I have work later and don't want to be exhausted."

What she didn't know was that something strange was already going on within her…

“Stop by my room later tonight” Alex replied as he left the room and headed to talk to Rook. He couldn’t help but feel guilty that he had found love while Miyuki didn’t. The girl deserved it a lot more than he did.

"Okay. I'll let you rest then." Millie said. "Let me know if there's anything I can do for you." She wished things had been different, she wanted Miyuki and her brother to be happy.

“I will, thank you.” Miyuki said to both of them and once they were gone she closed the door and went to her bed to both rest and weep just a little.

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