JP - Meta Underground

Frisk knew it would take days for the stink of smoke to leave her nostrils. The carnage she witnessed today would take even longer to fade from her mind. The radio came on when she started Trevor, already anti-meta activists were blaming metas and using it as a call to action to further persecute metas simply for existing. Frisk switched off her radio. She wanted to facetime Tzeitel, seeing the ‘kids’- Ami and Cody, sometimes Klaire’s twins and Amber- always cheered her up. But it was late. If the kids were not already in bed they should be on their way to bed. So Frisk simply sent Tzeitel a text saying she hoped everyone was well, then drove home.

“Home sweet Meta Underground.” Frisk groaned.

"Someone looks like they had a long day" a cheerful voice called out as a familiar bunny girl appeared into view.

“Hey Juno.” Frisk greeted. “How have things been here?”

"Thankfully dull and quiet" she sighed, giving Frisk a hug "everybody's keeping low profile since the explosion in fear of retaliation from the normies."

Frisk hugged the rabbit girl back. “I’m afraid things are going to get harder for a while after this. A lot of kids were hurt, and you can guess what the anti-metas are saying.”

"Trust me I've been watching the news" Juno sighed "things are going to get a lot worse before they get better aren't they?"

“They’re going to get a lot worse… I hope they get better.” Frisk did not have high hopes. There was a lot of hate towards metas tonight, those in power wanted them eradicated.

Juno's ears fell down in sadness "sometimes I wish we could just get away to a place where they couldn't get to us."

“I know. Me too.” Frisk sighed, patting Juno on the shoulder.

"I wish Ryan was here" Juno sighed as memories of her brother-like figure came to mind " partly to comfort me and partly so I can knock his lights out."

“And partly so he could be here and not there.” Frisk said. She opened a lock supply closet and started replenishing her med bag, being careful to update the inventory.

"We were suppose to escape together" she whispered tears falling down her face.

“I know.” Frisk set down her bag and rubbed Juno’s shoulder. “But you’re going to be able to do more to help him from the outside than back inside MegaCorp.”

"I know and I don't regret escaping I've been able to help so many Metas but I just worry about him " Juno admitted.

“He will get out someday. I think it will be soon.” Frisk said. “I wasn’t a captive in MegCorp, I was just a medic, but I had to get out of there. I felt terrible about leaving Tzeitel behind… but she is out now.”

"How is she doing by the way" she asked knowing Frisk saw her like a daughter.

“Well, Tzeitel says she is doing well.” Frisk said. “Her friends’ reports are more mixed.”

"Maybe it might do you some good to visit her" Juno suggested.

“After what happened I unfortunately don’t have the time.” Frisk sighed. “I want to help her, but I can help hundreds from here. She and her friends are mostly on the move so hopefully they will head this way again soon.”

"Then maybe have them come here soon, I'm sure they could use a checkup" Juno replied.

“Yeah. I think I’ll suggest it next time I talk to Tzeitel… Actually I should suggest it to Klaire first, the minute Klaire’s on board Tzeitel will do it.” Frisk smiled slightly. “Supposedly that’s how Piritta got Tzeitel into a sauna the first time.”

"A sauna that sounds like heaven right now" Juno sighed.

“I never got the appeal.” Frisk shook her head. “Piritta builds saunas every chance she gets.”

"Helps with sore muscles of course I'm more of a hot tub girl myself" Juno replied.

“I prefer hot tubs too.” Frisk said, resuming replenishing her med bag.

“Hi Frisk, Juno.” Leimomi greeted as she walked towards them down the hall. She was only 32, but looked much older. A drawback from using her power so often. The therapist thought it was worth it to help so many people.

“Hi Lei.” Frisk said, closing and locking the supply closet.

"Good to see you again, how are your patients doing?" Juno asked.

“You know I can’t answer that.” Leimomi smiled kindly. “How are you doing, Juno?” She knew the bunny-girl was struggling with survivor’s guilt from escaping when her close friend was left behind.

"Some days are better than others" Juno admitted "I just worry about him. I know he had to be punished severely for letting me escape."

Leimomi could guess what kind of day Juno was having. Not a better day. "He knew what would happen, but he wanted you to be free anyways. He'd want you to enjoy your freedom and he knows that you will help him get out someday."

"I know I just can't tell if I'm going to hug or punch him when he gets out," Juno sighed.

“There will be time for both.” Frisk said. “Just be careful where you punch him.”

“I think you will see him again soon.” Leimomi said.

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