Image of Pleco Casmus

Summary: The Greatest Rodian Bounty Hunter you ever heard of.

Pleco Casmus

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Group: Anti-Yuuzhan Vong



Physical appearance

At 1.7 meters tall, Pleco is not a big guy, but most Rodians aren't.

With his expressionless reptilian face, Pleco is not a handsome guy, but most Rodians aren't.

But he is clever. Most Rodians aren't.

Pleco is also charming, and he may be the only Rodian to ever do this.

It's one of the many things that make him unlike most Rodians.

But he smells Rodian. Like all Rodians. He's working on it.


Like all Rodian males, Pleco was raised to be a hunter. He was adept and passed all his trials with ease.

But Pleco had a problem.

He'd been raised amongst the pirates and smugglers of Corellia. He had no respect for the ancient ways, no love of tradition.

But he was good. Real good. So Pleco left his people to pursue his own destiny...

Being the hero. And being cool while doing it.


Pleco is armed with the basic equipment of his profession...

Every weapon he can afford.

And he can afford a great deal of weapons.


The Saracen -

A CFS built Wampa Class heavy interceptor. While small, it has room for prisoners and allies alike. A fast moving and well armed ship, it has limitations that Pleco has yet to die from.



AV8 is Pleco's brick sized and spider-like translator. He is always on Pleco's shoulder and always ready to defend his man. Pleco's Rodian mouth will not allow him to speak basic, so AV8 foots the bill. A two hundred year old AI makes AV8 something of a character, and he translates all of Pleco's Rodian gibberish into understandable basic for the casual listener, and vice-versa. He's also a built in wire and worm.

AV8 is a good droid.

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