Showing posts 16 - 30 of 63

OOC - Dice rolling

Apr 9, 2024, 1:50pm by Inkantrix

Do you want me to roll dice for you, or roll your own? Kailus needs to roll 15 or above on 1d20 + whatever his bonus is to hit one of the coyotes with his bow Venya needs to roll 12 or ...

Kailus: A shot it is worth

Apr 6, 2024, 4:41am by RoyTxxx

Kailus nods to Veyna as she takes the gathered reins and tosses the flaming brand at one of the coyotes. "Right you animals!" he shouts, adding to the din and further warding off the atta ...

Venya: Worth a shot

Apr 5, 2024, 6:52am by Daddycool

Venya skipped quickly to Kailus's side slipping her dagger into it's sheath, she never turned from the imminent danger but reached back and took the reins from Kailus. Her grip strong and s ...

Kailus: Noise and Light

Apr 5, 2024, 6:28am by RoyTxxx

Kailus keeps a tight hold of the reins of the horses with one hand while shouting and making as much noise as he can toward the coyotes. His failing brand is not going to last much longer, a ...

Venya: Awareness

Apr 4, 2024, 7:10am by Daddycool

Edging towards the fire Venya, used her foot to flick one or two bits of the small woodpile they had sitting over onto the fire to keep it going smiling as the dried bits of wood flared up w ...

The Coyote Pack

Apr 2, 2024, 3:26pm by Inkantrix

The coyotes continued to snap and snarl with occasional blood curdling howls from the darkness just beyond the ring of firelight. The horses the guards had ridden were getting very anxious, ...

Venya: Time for blood

Mar 29, 2024, 12:15pm by Daddycool

Venya slowly made her way over towards the horses where Kailus was readying himself. When he asked about a bow she snorted did he think her the type to fight from distance, no she wanted to ...

Kailus: Keep them back

Mar 28, 2024, 7:06am by RoyTxxx

Kailus knew that coyotes in groups like this will rarely give up without suffering significant casualties. He sheaths this rapier and grabs a flaming brand instead, brandishing it to keep th ...

The Coyote Pack

Mar 27, 2024, 4:39pm by Inkantrix

Sure enough, eyes glowing in the faint embers of the fire, a small pack of hungry predators approaches for the northeast, scrambling over the rocky slopes of the dry stream bed. No longer ho ...

Kailus: I'll guard the horses from this side

Mar 15, 2024, 10:23am by RoyTxxx

"They are using the rocks for cover." Kailus warns, "Don't let yourself get flanked." Concerned for the horses, either by attack or that they might bolt, Kailus moves to secure them while ...


Mar 15, 2024, 10:08am by Daddycool

Venya opens her eyes and rolls to the side and onto her front and is up and out of her sleeping bag in an instant. With a glint in the firelight her weapons are drawn and she takes up a cro ...

Kailus: Alert

Mar 15, 2024, 8:42am by RoyTxxx

Kailus shouts a warning to Veyna to wake up. "Coyotes!" and then draws his rapier, stirring the tip into the fire to spark up more embers and ward the predators of for a few more minutes. ...


Mar 14, 2024, 5:56pm by Daddycool

(OOC: sorry was quiet had a few cancer appointments and treatments this last week or so has been hectic).. ...

Coyotes in the Night

Mar 14, 2024, 2:49pm by Inkantrix

Despite the uncomfortable camping conditions, Kailus and Venya settle in for the night and Venya is soon snoring. Kailus moves around and keeps his wits about him, but, in the end, it is the ...

The Night

Mar 14, 2024, 6:11am by RoyTxxx

Kailus takes the first watch, unhappy at both the prospect of camping outdoors and the proximity of coyotes. Sure, out door training was a necessity of ranger duties, but it was never for re ...

Showing posts 16 - 30 of 63