Showing posts 46 - 60 of 63

OOC - What do you think?

Feb 20, 2024, 11:34am by Inkantrix

Will remote images (just a link in the text) work for you? Honestly, I'm just posting to get to the limit that allows me to format! ...

OOC -- Battle Maps

Feb 20, 2024, 11:33am by Inkantrix

I'm still not allowed formatting options in this tool (2 more posts and I get to see what they are, at least!) but I have yet to see how I can handle things like battle maps. You are here an ...

Watch out!

Feb 19, 2024, 11:35am by Inkantrix

The caution is justified when a large snake uncoils suddenly and snaps at the approaching guards. ...

The Approach

Feb 15, 2024, 7:32am by RoyTxxx

"Stay back." he says to the others, "We don't want to contaminate any tracks." he checks the area looking for footprints himself. Spot Check 1D20+9=8+9=17 Unless someone else insists, ...

Approaching the Body

Feb 14, 2024, 9:28am by Inkantrix

As they approach the site of the body, they can see that it is hidden from the main trail behind a cluster of rocks. Flies buzz around but there is not much of a smell of rot. The body, at a ...

The body

Feb 8, 2024, 5:40pm by Daddycool

Venya followed Kailus out to the body stopping her mount a short distance away she patted the mount on the neck to calm it as it caught the scent of a corpse on the air, she lifted her leg o ...

Ah, the ignominy of it all

Feb 8, 2024, 9:43am by RoyTxxx

Spot (1D20+9)=11+9=20 (So successful against 15) Kailus sighs inwardly at the sweat that such common physical exertion had left on his clothes. Not that they were all that fine, weeks of ...

OOC - Already a guard

Feb 7, 2024, 5:20pm by Inkantrix

Let's assume that Venya has already been given a role as a guard. She and Kailus are the ones being asked to investigate the dead body. You have not seen it yet, but you have been told it is ...

Venya: Meetings

Feb 7, 2024, 4:38pm by Daddycool

Venya watched from a distance, as the caravan moved slowly along the road in her direction. Perhaps she could get a lift in one of the wagons, there were plenty of them after all, she would ...

The Caravan Begins its Journey

Feb 7, 2024, 3:04pm by Inkantrix

Before dawn the next day, Chard kicks the new recruits out of their bedrolls and sets them various unpleasant tasks such as filling in the latrine pits and cleaning up the stable pens where ...

OOC: Posting

Feb 7, 2024, 3:56am by RoyTxxx

I'm fine with one or two posts a week. I play a couple of games by email with that sort of pace. I've also played on OngoingWorlds before with one game to conclusion, and one game that sto ...

OOC -Posting

Feb 6, 2024, 12:40pm by Daddycool

Not done any of this type of thing for a few years and even then it was a case of games getting going then being stopped for whatever reason. So for me it was I guess something I missed and ...

OOC - Slow posting rate

Feb 6, 2024, 11:26am by Inkantrix

I started this game as an experiment a few months ago and now I have two characters who actually want to play! If you're both still interested, I'll get the story going. My expectation is ...

Kailus: A rude introduction to the gruel of manual labour

Dec 20, 2023, 6:56am by RoyTxxx

Kailus was already regretting the decision to join. The forced practice and the physical effort was making him sweat. Most unbecoming a noble. It was bad enough that he had to forgo his fin ...

Welcome Recruits

Dec 19, 2023, 2:47pm by Inkantrix

One by one the candidates approach the old man and he considers them, nodding to some, and rejecting others. “Too scrawny.” Too old.” “Too strange.” One skinny girl has to shoot ...

Showing posts 46 - 60 of 63