Characters in this post

View character profile for: Hilda

View character profile for: Duuk

View character profile for: Doron

View character profile for: Sarah

View character profile for: Silver
Enter Sarah (Pt 2)
The door was opened. High ranking Amihan metas were gathered at the large wooden table, Duuk at the head. He was held together more by fabric than flesh but he was together enough to hold the meeting. They were going over the meta newcomers, sheets containing their details spread across the table. Duuk looked at Hilda and Sarah. “Who is this?”
“Introduce yourself,” Hilda whispered and golden haired woman politely curtseyed to Duuk.
“My name is Sarah,” She explained. “A healing and shield meta.” Her scars showed on her legs just before the skirt of her dress fell back into place.
“I wanted her to demonstrate her power for you since she wants to join.” Hilda explained as they stepped further into the room so everyone could get a good look at the newest healer in the group. “She’s informed me that she can also heal others with her touch, so she may be able to help you on the field, especially after your explosions. Would you like to attempt to heal you so you don’t have to constantly be held together by cloth, love?”
Hilda was the only one that ever called Duuk ‘love’.
Duuk studied Sarah before nodding. He extended his left hand from his robe sleeve. It looked like a shattered sculpture held together with glue. Quasim could heal him, and has in the past, but the healer's bodily fluids were usually needed for something more important. “It would be good to see a demonstration of your power.”
Hilda walked Sarah over to him. “Go ahead, dear.” She whispered.
With a gentle touch to his hand, her fingers only had to land on his palm and Duuk’s skin and body would heal. It would be like watching his body in fast forward as the skin stitched back together, sealed, and faded into nothing. Not even scars were left behind.
“Excellent.” Duuk pulled off his mask. “We should pair her with Quasim after DNA rules out them being related.” Of all the terrible things happening in Amihan, inbreeding was not one of them. “What does healing like that cost you?” Duuk asked Sarah.
“I was thinking more along the lines of Silver.” Hilda murmured.
Sarah was about to speak when her stomach growled audibly. Face flushed, she covered it. “Oh, goodness, I'm so sorry!” She whispered.
Duuk sent for food for Sarah. “Why Silver? Her healing ability would compliment Quasim’s and they could produce an even more powerful healer.”
“He's been asking for a pretty one and needs someone who can heal him up when he jumps into fights head first.” Hilda explained and leaned toward him. “He's very loyal and wants a girl like her. I think it's time we finally rewarded him.” She gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek and winked.
Sarah merely stood there, calm as can be.
“I'm also certain she and Quasim are related.” Hilda also admitted grimly.
“He doesn't need to be mated to her for her to be on standby to heal him.” Hilda was one of the few of Duuk’s mates that he spent time with outside of bed. A lot of them he would go weeks without seeing, only seeing them when they were ovulating. “We'll test her DNA.”
A yellow-haired girl brought a tray of food and water, setting it on a corner of the table before a simple chair. She gestured to Sarah to eat.
Sarah went wide eyed. “I…I can have it? Really?” She asked in shock.
“Of course, Sarah,” Hilda told her calmly as she looked toward the door in time to see a blood soaked Silver walk in. He looked proud as he carried a few heads in hand. “Do you ever knock?”
“Nope!” He cheered.
The girl tried to leave but Doron, Duuk’s second in command, caught her around the waist and pulled her onto his lap. She sat very stiffly.
Duuk looked at Silver. “The attack will be more effective if there were surviving witnesses.”
“There were, don’t worry.” Silver rolled his eyes with a grin. “Though, some of ‘em weren’t nice. Had to do some stabby stabbing!”
Hilda sighed, already developing a headache. As good and useful as Silver was, he could be extremely erratic and unpredictable. It all had to do with his mental instability. “Thank you, but please go get cleaned up.” She scolded him like a child, despite him being older than her. “Shoo.”
Silver huffed and stuck his tongue out at Hilda. “You need to get laid again, Miss Grumpy Butt.”
“Don’t talk about my sex life in front of people!” She seethed, pushing the now laughing Silver out the door with her shadows. Her face was now flushed as she crossed her arms under her breasts.
Sarah, happy for a real meal, ate slowly.
Duuk usually did not have sex with Hilda unless there was a good chance of her getting pregnant. It was how he was with most of his mates. Except for one that he was trying to break down. He was in her bed almost every day.
“Well, speaking of that, if the meeting is over, I’m going to get laid.” Doron said, arms wrapped around the girl on his lap. The girl stared down.
Duuk nodded, dismissing Doron.
Hilda shrugged and had someone escort Sarah to Silver’s room. She knew they would be getting along well. Turning her attention to Duuk once everyone was out, she took a seat. “Have you been able to get that girl to cooperate yet?” She inquired, frowning.
“Taw has no choice but to cooperate.” Duuk frowned. “Sarah’s DNA should be tested before there’s any chance of her mating.”
“I’m not worried.” Hilda replied calmly. She had already gotten tests and things done. “Haven’t I told you to trust me, love? I already got everything done and had it sent to our labs even while she was at that putrid hospital.” She gave him that usual smile of hers that always told him she was ahead of the game. “As for Taw, I told you that if you’d just let me at her, she’d be very cooperative if she knew the alternative to cooperation…”
Hilda did not much care for Taw.
“I prefer handling her my own way.” Duuk said, which involved having Doron and a few other close friends also raping her.
Hilda merely shrugged. “As you wish, love.” She leaned over and gave him a quick kiss before leaving. Her children needed a visit.
Duuk watched Hilda leave, then went to his quarters. Time to pay Taw a visit.