Characters in this post

View character profile for: Gelf

View character profile for: Sorley Millward

View character profile for: Kiana Millward

View character profile for: Nelly

View character profile for: Carla

View character profile for: Herbert
End of The Day
“I don't know. Have you done enough damage?” Kiana asked.
“Excuse me?” Gelf glared at Kiana now. “I don’t need to hear that from a girl who hurt my friend’s feelings and acts like I’m some monster.” Going to Herbert, she whistled. “Carla!”
The chicken rushed out and hopped onto Gelf’s arm just as she teleported. She, Carla and Herbert were now gone.
<I think you just ruined his relationship with the pink haired one.> Nelly remarked. <He really likes her.>
<He's better off without her. She's obviously predatory, barging in on him in the shower now drugging him. > Kiana said defensively. <She was probably working on seducing him into knocking her up so she could baby trap him or something.>
Sorley eventually recovered enough to leave his room. He wondered how things went with Gelf's sister and if she would be back soon. He noticed that Carla were gone, his face dropped when he realized that Gelf had come back for her animals but left without seeing him. He turned on his heel and went back to his room, feeling crushed, and feeling stupid for feeling crushed. He was nothing to Gelf. He probably creeped her out with how he had reacted to her kissing his cheek, he probably should have moved back a little after a moment instead of staying still so the kiss lingered. He could still faintly feel the electric charge. He sunk on his bed.
<You're not a nice person.> Nelly commented and flew off to find Whiskers.
Gelf would send Sorley a message: “Hey, I really like you and you're awesome, but I don't need to be accused of things by your sister, so I left. Sorry I didn't say goodbye, but she said I did damage to you. I'm sorry if I hurt you somehow. I just don't like how rude she's being to me.”
Sorley stared at his phone. Gelf liked him? Sorley wondered if she was just being nice every time she said something like that. The rest of the text was confusing too. What was Kiana accusing Gelf for? He texted Gelf back. “You didn't hurt me at all.” He thought about texting how good the kiss had made him feel but was afraid he would sound creepy. “Are you okay?”
Gelf’s reply: “I'm fine. Just irritated with Kiana, but I don't want to speak badly of her so I'm gonna focus on the good. I really enjoyed dinner and would love to simply meet up and have lunch someday.”
Sorley wanted to know what happened but Gelf clearly did not want to talk about it. His heart rose at her last sentence. He blushed. “I'd love to meet with you too.” He was almost afraid to send the text but his finger slipped and it was sent.
Gelf’s reply: “Where would you like to have lunch? Oh, I also have a job offer. I spoke to Delilah and she would love to have you help with the water systems of the Underground!”
“Anywhere.” Sorley texted back, smiling. “That job sounds great.”
“I’ll have her call you. Do you mind if I give her your number?” Gelf asked as she thought of where they could meet to enjoy lunch someday.
“That would be fine.” Sorley texted back. If he worked for the Underground he would get to be around Gelf even more.
Gelf smiled at the reply and sent him Delilah’s number, so he would know what to expect. “I’ll figure out where to meet for lunch, but for now I gotta get some rest.” She admitted.
Sorley was disappointed that the conversation was over for now, but if Gelf was tired she needed sleep. “Ok, good night, sleep well.”
Gelf’s Reply: “Nighty night!” There was even a heart emoji added at the end.
Sorley’s big goofy smile reappeared.
Gelf set her phone aside and sighed, lying down in bed as she gazed at the ceiling with a frown. “I need to get my fam set up, guys…” She murmured before teleporting back to the underground…