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View character profile for: Klaire Roth

View character profile for: Dr. Chi

View character profile for: Tzeitel Nussbaum
Therapy For Tzeitel (Pt 1)
Dr. Chi was setting up his office for Tzeitel’s arrival, fixing a few things and making sure there was a good distance between his seat and the chair the pheromone user always chose to sit in. He even put up a gate so it would be more like she had a shield against him. With Klaire’s aid, he had been able to prepare things when it came to the woman, but it was still not perfect.
Nothing was ever perfect, but he had no issues with this.
“I called in Leimomi, but she won’t be able to get here for a while,” He warned Klaire, who was holding two babies in her arms and nuzzling them.
“I know,” She told him with a smile. “I’ll give these two to James and go get Tzeitel.”
The rooster man nodded and headed over to his desk.
Leaving the room, the dog eared woman went to her room and handed the twins over to him. They not only had Ami, but also Cody, so it was a bit of a big family. Checking in on everyone, she made sure to remind James to get the new movie set when he went shopping with the group before she headed down the hall to the women’s ward.
That’s where she would find Tzeitel’s room.
Tzeitel was still recovering from the pregnancy, mentally and physically. She had lost more weight- she had gained so little weight during the pregnancy this was not a good thing. She spent most of her time hiding in her room from everyone. She did not know how she felt about anything, everything outside her room was so overwhelming. All she wanted to do was hide under a pile of blankets watching cute animal videos on YouTube.
Opening the door, Klaire peeked into the room. “Hey, Tzeitel, you ready for your therapist appointment today?” She asked as she stepped into the room.
Tzeitel peered out of her blanket burrito at Klaire, tablet making kitten meowing sounds. “I-I don't think I need therapy today.” Tzeitel said, sinking deeper into the blankets.
“You're not skipping out on it again,” Klaire said in a stern voice as she grabbed the blankets and yanked. They flung off Tzeitel like magic and were tossed to the floor. “Come on. Dr. Chi is waiting. He informed me that he's called Leimoni. She'll be here in time for your next session.”
Tzeitel looked down, not meeting Klaire’s eyes. The air felt too cold after hours in the blanket burrito. She hunched her shoulders. She felt so weak. She thought everything would be better after those babies were out of her and she was out of MegaCorp. But if anything she felt more hopeless. “I can’t talk to him.”
“Yes, you can.” Klaire retorted sternly. She was not going to take no for an answer.
Tzeitel stubbornly crossed her arms, but her shoulders slumped and her eyes were filled with tears as she stared at the floor. “I can’t. He’s a guy.” Tzeitel whispered. She began giving off repulsive pheromones.
“He puts up proper precautions for your sake, Tzeitel.” Klaire countered and went to her friend, holding out her hand. “Plus, I'll be there, so you won't be alone. It'll be safe. I promise.”
Tzeitel gave off more repulsive pheromones. “It’s not getting anywhere. I don’t deserve to get better.” Tzeitel whispered.
Klaire had become resistant to the pheromones after dealing with them all month and gave Tzeitel a frustrated look. “Get out of bed or I’ll drag you like a child.” She threatened with her hands on her hips. For someone so short she was rather strong, having proven this by doing it before.
“Damn it, Klaire.” Tzeitel sniffled, getting out of bed and giving up on the pheromones. Why couldn’t Klaire understand, all she could handle was hiding in her room. It was too dangerous outside. It hurt too much.
Sadly, Klaire did understand, but she had been forced to face her fears of leaving her room back when she first escaped and wasn't going to let Tzeitel give up. “Come on,” She persisted, gesturing toward the open door. “I'll be with you.”
And she would be. The dog eared woman had kept her promise of always being here for Tzeitel. Even when she went on small missions, she always kept in contact through the phone she'd given her friend.
Tzeitel looked so defeated as she walked out of her room. She knew that Dr Chi would never hurt her, that he was trying to help, but a part of her was still so afraid of him. He was still a guy. She trembled and tears ran down her face.
Klaire took Tzeitel’s arm in a shockingly gentle grasp and walked with her to Dr. Chi’s office. Everything was set up for the pheromones users safety and benefit, so when they entered they would spot a box of tissues sitting behind the chair that Tzeitel loved to hide behind.