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View character profile for: Riley Silvers

View character profile for: Loreen Karterson

View character profile for: River Rossland
Rivalry (Pt 1)
Loreen was glaring at the dark haired woman that was visiting Riley. What was her name again? Oh, right, River…
Said woman was sitting with Riley and chatting about different berries.
Riley sat on his bed as he listened to River. Physically he was doing much better having put on enough weight to use his powers though he kept himself covered up with a hoodie and cargo pants. Mentally was a different matter. While he was seeing Dr. Chi for appointments the speedster kept to himself, often staying in his room and only interacting with a handful of people. The room was mostly sparse, but had a handful of decorations and a treadmill that Riley used for exercise and to provide additional power to the underground.
Noticing Loreen Riley gave her a warm smile.
Loreen offered a strained smile in return as she walked over to the pair. “Ready for your weekly check-up, Riley?” She asked, a hint of irritation in her voice.
River didn’t miss a thing, but only smiled. “I should get back to work. Plus, papa is probably wanting to do some training.” She explained as she got to her feet. “I’ll see you later, Riley.” Giving him a cute finger wave, she headed out of the room.
Riley lightly blushed and waved back “be careful during training. Looking towards Loreen he nodded and followed her “I've been eating and exercising I've been able to use my powers for longer, I've doubled my limit.” He informed her with a cheerful tone. Out of everyone he talked to River and Loreen were the ones that he opened up to and enjoyed their company the most. “Mark says the extra power i generate has been helpful for the Underground.”
“That's good,” Loreen grumbled as she took Riley to the examination room. She got him to sit in a chair and grabbed her tools. “Off with the hoodie, please.”
Riley nodded and sat down on the chair before removing his hoodie and shirt. Since escaping he had put on weight and muscles. Loreen being one of the only people to see it as he trusted her. “Are you ok?” He asked worried he did something to upset her.
“Yes, I’m fine,” Loreen said as she took his blood pressure and other vitals calmly. “Nero has gotten in trouble again and I had to deal with it earlier.” Ever since getting here the past month, it had been rather difficult for Nero to adapt. He was a giant for his age, made of pure muscle, had no real social skills and his temper was beyond comparison. It was troublesome and Delilah had been forced to pull her bazooka out on him twice already.
Nero was trying, though.
“I also don’t like that River girl.” She admitted with a snort.