Characters in this post

View character profile for: Joel

View character profile for: Radar

View character profile for: Delilah Sanderson

View character profile for: Riven

View character profile for: Skorn
Broke Ass Rebels
Joel sighed as he walked through the halls of the storage facility. The place was old and a bit run down but it operated on cash only and no questions asked. Something that worked for him and his friend. Approaching storage unit #69 he nodded to the hidden camera and waited as the door rolled up revealing a pale skinned teen with brown hair and eyes. His most notable features of course were the bat ears and wings. Stepping inside the cramped storage unit he sat down on the bottom bunk bed.
“Glad you're finally back, I'm starving.” Radar said while lowering and locking the door before moving to his makeshift and taking his as Joel tossed him a burger.
“Yeah yeah why don't you grab the food next time” Joel replied tossing his beanie off revealing his coyote ears. “This place ain't exactly near food joints that won't give you diarrhea.”
“Still a step above being homeless which we were until recently” the bat meta reminded “Even if we had the money I doubt landlords are eager to rent to a couple of stray metas with no income outside of committing petty crimes against Metacorps and hacking. Which reminds me I got a tip on a shipment of high-end hard drives coming in. Could be enough money to get us on our feet and maybe out of the city.”
Joel sighed and wolfed down his food “just tell me the drivers aren’t packing heat this time around.”
Radar’s silence was enough of an answer to him.
“Dammit” he sighed, grabbing his hat as the two of them prepared to head out.
“Gonna leave without me?” A familiar voice called from the other side, the air around the individual cold. Sitting atop some stacked boxes was Riven, the ice wolf. His dark wolf ears twitched as his tail hung down the side of the box, toes of his bare feet stretching as he twirled an icicle between fingers. “You two always forget me, huh?”
“Hey Radar makes the plans I just follow” Joel replied.
“Glad you're here though we could use some muscle for the job” radar said “word on the street is security is getting tighter due to some rumors of a crazy dog girl attacking their facilities.”
“That crazy dog girl is Klaire Roth.” Riven replied and hopped down, walking over to them. With each step there was a frost left behind on the floor that was almost like dry ice. “Lets get going.”
“You know her?” Radar asked adjusting his goggles as they stepped outside.
“I’ve been in contact with her a few times through the Underground, but it’s always through letters.” Riven explained. “She stays on the move like we do, so it’s hard to catch her in person.”
“Consider the destruction left in her wake not sure I want to” Joel shuddered.
Radar pulled out an old pda “once we pull off the job we'll have to lay low for a bit before we can return to the storage unit.”
“We could always meet up with that guy from the Underground…” Riven suggested.
“What guy?” Joel asked tilting his head on confusion.
“Not sure, but I heard he can nullify powers.” Riven said and stretched before his ears flicked off little ice flakes.
“Glad he's on our side then” Radar stated “could you imagine if he was a hunter?”
Riven just stared at Radar in a comical manner, almost like he wants to slap him for that question.
“Just saying” he shrugged pointing to the roof of a nearby building “we'll wait for it there.”
Rolling his eyes, Riven nodded. “I’ll get some ice set up into place.” He said and walked off to do so, soon meeting them on the roof.
The two teens climbed up to the roof and continued to eat. “Want some?” Joel asked offering Riven some food once he joined them.
Riven shook his head. “I ate earlier.” He said, staying crouched on the railing of the roof. His elbows were resting on his knees, hands hanging between legs and fingers twitching as he listened.
Though, the teens would know what he meant by ate. Riven always hunted his own food…and humans were often part of that menu. The first time they’d met him he’d been ripping a man’s throat out that had tried to shoot him.
Joel shrugged and you tore into the burger lif like a wild animal. He could relate to Riven in a way. Before meeting Radar he had survived for years on his own in the woods after losing his parents.
“target approaching” Radar whispered while staring through binoculars.
“I hear ‘em…” Riven whispered, leaning forward and gripping the railing with his hands now. The moment his trap was set he’d jump in and deal the blow he needed to, letting Radar and Joel finish the job. He let them deal with the social aspect of work since anyone who saw the wolf man often attacked first.
Joel and Radar followed his lead moving in to take care of the stragglers before moving to the back of the van and stuffing the goods into duffle bags, making sure to check for tracking devices.
Anything that did have a tracking device got frozen over by Riven until the device was broken. He helped with the bags, but kept his ears strained for anything. “We need to get moving soon.” He warned them.
Radar nodded “let's get out of here.”
Riven nodded as he hefted the bags up and helped the teens carry everything away. He made sure to freeze the area up with dry ice just to agitate any authorities that came by. “That’ll teach you, assholes…” He grinned.
Radar nodded as the began to leave “think you can get us to the underground these drives are more high tech than I was expecting might be worth looking through them.”
“Depends on if that guy is where he said to meet up with him.” Riven replied.
“Let's get going then hopefully he'll show up” Joel replied eager to put more distance between them and the van.
Riven grumbled as he kept up with them. “Yeah, yeah.” He said and snapped his fingers, grinning as the van blew up in the distance…
“let's just hope they have a proper shower” Joel mumbled.
“Didn't you use to live in the woods?” Radar teased.
“Yeah and I had a waterfall to wash off in” Joel fired back.
“Waterfalls are nice,” Riven retorted with a snort and tossed their loot into the trunk of a car he’d had waiting for them. “Get in, brats.” He opened the driver’s side door and got in.
Joel took shotgun while radar climbed into the back, both of them buckling in as Riven drove off.
Riven took all the back roads, keeping off main roads and avoiding anywhere that was highly populated. He would soon arrive at an abandoned theme park. “This is where he said to meet up…” He murmured as he cut off the car and got out. Sniffing the air, he strained his ears and let out a low growl before crouching down, always being precautious.