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View character profile for: Kalahan Cook

View character profile for: Tzeitel Nussbaum

View character profile for: Nine
Room Invasion! (Pt 1)
Nine was wandering around the complex, this underground place always a curiosity to him. As a fox, he was always trying to find new places, curious about what all went down and wanted to find the one thing that comforted him. So, when he caught the scent of that familiar woman, he sniffed along the wall where her hand had been, white ears twitching.
Grunting, he got on all fours and followed it to a door. Curious, he sat in a crouched position and knocked on it with his fists like a pup.
Tzeitel could not get into her cute animal videos and the blanket burrito fort felt oppressive and heavy. The room itself felt oppressive so she had been pacing anxiously, wishing Klaire was there, wishing she wasn’t such a damned weak coward hiding in her room all the time. Then she heard the strange knock at her door. That was not how Cook knocked on her door. Tzeitel frowned, approaching the door and touching her powers. “Who’s th-there?”
The knocking continued since Nine never spoke. He let out a soft whine, though.
Tzeitel listened. “Nine?”
Another whine would indicate a yes from the fox man.
That whine would be followed by a familiar voice. “Hey, Nine, what are you doing here? Looking for Tzeitel?” Cook said with a friendly chuckle. “Well, I brought her food. Want to say hi?”
Tzeitel opened the door. She looked at Cook and Nine.
Nine’s ears perked up and he went to Tzeitel, nuzzling her knee lovingly.
“He really seems to be attached to you,” Cook said with a friendly smile and offered the tray of food to her. “It’s all food that won’t upset your stomach. Klaire suggested some tea and gatorade, so I brought those too.”
Tzeitel edged away from Nine. She knew he would not harm her, but she still did not feel comfortable having anyone but Klaire touching her. Tzeitel looked at the tray. “You always bring more than I can eat…”
“Well, it’s supposed to cover you all day.” Cook replied, pointed to the containers the food was in. It was mostly healthy snacks and a single meal.
Nine whined and crouched in place, staring up at Tzeitel with those crimson eyes of his. He almost resembled a kicked puppy.
“It’s still more than I’d eat in a day.” Tzeitel said. She was still recovering from her food strike and force feeding. She tried to avoid Nine’s eyes.
Nine was on all fours and stepped around, trying to meet her gaze.
“Well, it’s still here for you.” Cook said. “Want me to set it on your table?”
Tzeitel nodded. She was remembering her talk or lecture or peptalk or whatever it was she had gotten from Klaire.
Cook set the tray down on the table and headed back for the door. He ruffled Nine’s hair. “Be good, bud.” He said as he left.
Nine watched him leave and looked up at Tzeitel again, fox tail swaying back and forth.
Tzeitel warily looked at Nine. “What do you want?”
Nine blinked, unable to answer. He got close to her again and nuzzled her knee once more.
“Please don’t do that.” Tzeitel was reminded of the guards in MegaCorp.
Nine whined, ears falling back. He didn’t understand that what he was doing was bad in her eyes.
“I can’t stand being touched.” Tzeitel said, feeling antsy and starting to pace.
Nine watched her for a moment before he went to the table and grabbed it with his hands, trying to make himself stand. His legs were not accustomed to walking like a person, so when he attempted to walk, he fell face first to the floor.
“Nine!” Tzeitel gasped and ran over to the foxboy to see if he was okay.
When he lifted his head, Nine’s nose was bleeding as he looked up at her.