Characters in this post

View character profile for: Gelf

View character profile for: Sorley Millward

View character profile for: Carla

View character profile for: Herbert
Tending To The Farm
“Okay, we should get changed before checking on the animals. Don’t want to ruin our clothes.” Gelf said and gestured to the second house. “Skorn lives there, so you can go in and borrow some of his clothes.” It had become very clear that Skorn was like a literal brother to her.
“You’re sure Skorn won’t mind?” Sorley asked.
“He told me it was okay if you needed clothes during visits.” Gelf told him with a smile. Skorn had come to really like Sorley like a brother, so it was easy to trust him.
“He thought I’d be visiting and needing a change of clothes?” Sorley wanted to punch Skorn, what did he think Gelf was?
“Yeah, he knows how you like to help around and figured you could use some of his clothes so you wouldn’t have to use yours.” Gelf explained. “You helped out those few times when we were working on setting up the crops and felt bad about you getting your good clothes dirty.”
“Oh.” Sorley said, calming down.
Nodding, she went into Skorn’s house and showed him to dresser with all the work clothes. “He even has a dresser for farm work clothes.” She said with a giggle.
“Okay.” Sorley picked out a shirt and pants, he held them and awkwardly looked at Gelf.
“You can set your clothes down in the living room or come over and use my guest room if you want. Skorn said he’s on a mission, so he won’t be back for a few days.” Gelf explained before heading over to her house to change.
Sorley thought it would be better if he got changed here. He trusted Gelf but he thought it would look better for him to change his clothes in a completely separate house… As if anyone would know. He changed into the work clothes.
Gelf would soon walk out in some overalls and her boots, Herbert and Carla following close behind. She whistled a pair of dogs would rush over, panting happily as she pet them.
Sorley stood in the doorway, staring at Gelf. How did she look so… sexy… in coveralls? SHe looked just as pretty in those as she had dressed up for their date.
Gelf went to grab a few things and noticed Sorley, waving happily to him.
Sorley blushed, feeling guilty for checking her out. He waved back.
“Come on, silly!” She called to him just before Herbert, Carla and the dogs rushed over to Sorley. They knew him and always wanted to greet him and get pets.
Sorley smiled, petting the animal, even carefully scritching Carla’s head around her comb and remaining eye. He hurried after Gelf.
The animals would follow, the dogs going back to guarding the three cows, one sheep and horse that Gelf now had. She would, with Sorley’s help, take care of said cows, sheep and horse. They would feed them, clean up, and make sure they had fresh water before moving to the crops. “Things are starting to grow!” She squealed happily.
Sorley smiled. “You’re good at this.”
“I’ve always wanted a farm,” Gelf said, thinking back to Yule. “I wonder if my sister might move here with me…”
“How is she doing?” Sorley asked. He always gave Gelf’s sister a lot of room.
Standing and dusting off, Gelf sighed heavily. “She’s…a little more open, but…I don’t think she wants much to do with me. Conversations are always awkward and she doesn’t talk much with me to begin with. I think she and that red head girl, Haven, are together, though.”
“Aren’t they sharing a room?” Sorley asked.
“Yes,” Gelf said as she did some watering for the crops.
“Oh, you mean together… Oh.” Sorley said thoughtfully. “They’re happy together?”
“They seem to be. I was thinking of offering them a room to share in my house, but I don’t know how to bring it up.” She admitted, tapping her chin as her ears twitched.
“It would be quieter here.” Sorley said.
“Yeah, but they have that training program and are making friends there.” Gelf said. “I’ll ask Yule about it, though.”
“Let her know the door is open.” Sorley said.
Gelf nodded with a smile and they finished up the work before retreating to the house. “That was a lot of work, sorry.” She said sheepishly.
“It wasn’t bad. I just liked to be with you.” Sorley said.
Gelf blushed. “W-well, I need to shower. Uhm…if you want, you can use Skorn’s shower.”
“Sure.” Sorley said, trying to not think about Gelf in a shower. He decided to take a very cold shower in penance.