Characters in this post

View character profile for: Gelf

View character profile for: Sorley Millward

View character profile for: Carla

View character profile for: Herbert
End Of A Great Date
When he returned, Gelf would be heating up her left overs from their date, humming happily. Herbert and Carla were resting on the living room couch.
Sorley took a longer shower than usual, forcing himself to stand under the freezing cold water. His dark hair was still slightly damp when he returned. “It smells good.”
“I’ve got yours heating up too,” She said, gesturing to the oven.
“Oh, good.” Sorley smiled.
“We didn’t eat it earlier and I figured we worked up an appetite.” Gelf smiled back at him. “You can sit on the couch or anywhere. Get comfortable.” It was a cozy little house, after all.
Sorley sat on the couch. It was familiar and comfortable. He kept looking at Gelf, she was so perfect.
Carla would hop off Herbert and get comfortable in Sorley’s lap while her hubby pig cuddled up close to him. They had come to love Sorley like they loved Gelf.
Sorley patted the animals, feeling at home.
Gelf giggled as she brought the plates of food over, setting them on the table in front of the couch. “They really love you too,” She said.
“They’re friendly.” Sorley said, looking at the food. “Thank you.”
“Want me to feed you since you’ve got the babies on your lap?” Gelf asked with a giggle.
Sorley blushed. “You don’t have to.” But he could not reach his plate.
So Gelf happily fed him in that dorky romantic way. The sweetness was tooth decaying.
Sorley could not stop blushing but did not reject the feeding.
After they had eaten and were full, Gelf took care of cleaning the dishes, humming again. At this point, Herbert and Carla had slipped off to their little beds in Gelf’s rooms so they could actually sleep.
“I should do the dishes.” Sorley said. “You cooked. And I can do it faster with my powers…”
“I don’t mind,” Gelf said, looking at him with a smile. She was so used to doing things on her own all her life.
“It’s only fair.” Sorley said, gently reaching for the sponge.
Gelf was a little unsure, but let him. “I’m so used to doing for myself…” She whispered.
“I know, but I want to help you.” Sorley said, getting the dishes done in record time with his powers.
Gelf looked genuinely impressed. “Wow, that was fast!” She chimed.
Sorley smiled, feeling proud. “I like my power.”
“I do too.” Gelf said, though she’d always liked his power.
Sorley almost told her how fast he could take a shower with it, but instead blushed and looked in the sink.
“What are you blushing for?” Gelf asked.
“Nothing.” Sorley blushed deeper. The water still in the sink made small embarrassed splashes.
Attention drawn to the water, Gelf giggled. “Well, it’s late, so we should get some rest.”
Sorley nodded. “I can go home.”
“What? You can stay. I have extra rooms.” Gelf said. “I get up early, so I can wake you up for work if you want.”
“I don’t want to impose… or to have anyone think anything happened.” Sorley blushed again.
“Let them think what they want,” Gelf said with a shrug. “I never cared what people thought of me most of the time anyway. I want you to feel welcome here.”
“I don’t want to hurt your reputation. People might treat you differently…” Sorley said.
“If they treat me differently, I’ll kick their butts.” Gelf grinned.
“Men might…” Sorley trailed off, he thought he should be the one kicking ass.
“Men might what? Lose their genitals because I cut them off?” Gelf looked at him innocently.
Sorley blushed and looked away. He knew how cruel men could be when they felt entitled to hurting someone.
“I’m not easy to do things to.” Gelf playfully poked Sorley. “Besides, there’s only one man I want to be with and he’s in front of me right now.”
Sorley’s blush deepened. He was turning an alarming shade of red.
Gelf’s eyes widened. “Sorley, breath,” She said, fanning him.
Sorley gasped as he took a deep breath.
“There you go,” Gelf said with a smile. “It’s okay.”
Sorley nodded, still blushing a little. “Maybe I should go.”
“You’re welcome to stay.” Gelf told him and went to put away a few things.
“I know, but I should go.” Sorley said. “Can I see you tomorrow?”
“Of course,” Gelf said. “I plan to visit Yule so I can see you too!”
“Great.” Sorley smiled. He headed for the door.
“Uh, I can just teleport you there.” Gelf said, blinking.
“Oh. Of course. Okay. You’re not too tired?” Sorley asked.
Gelf shook her head and grabbed his arm, teleporting them to the Underground.
Sorley hugged Gelf. “Good night. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”
Returning the hug, Gelf gave Sorley a soft kiss on the lips. “Same.” She said.
Sorley blushed, gently kissing Gelf back. Hopefully he would not feel guilty for it later.
“Sleep well, Sorley.” Gelf said before she returned home.