Characters in this post

View character profile for: Riley Silvers

View character profile for: Evie

View character profile for: Loreen Karterson

View character profile for: Alex Silvers

View character profile for: Radar

View character profile for: Riven

View character profile for: River Rossland
Loreen's Little Revenge
“Listen to me Evie he won’t” Riley replied “I was like that too when I first escaped I kept waking up expecting to be on the operating table with a new chip in my brain. But you are safe here we’ll protect you.”
“Table?” Evie shook her head. No, Thrane never had her on a table. He just used his power and forced her to feel everything, forced her to survive and live and suffer. She couldn’t calm down and would exhaust herself with tears and flailing any time someone got close.
“We should just let her get the adrenaline out of her system.” Loreen said with a sigh.
Riven slowly got up and looked at Evie before using his power to cool her down. For some odd reason, the coldness soothed her, calmed her down. She would curl up and stick to a corner of the device.
“Are you hungry?” he asked her patting Riven on the shoulder.
Riven glared at him. “Don’t touch me…” He growled drowsily.
Evie was about to say something when her stomach growled.
“Give her something bland like saltine crackers.” Loreen was looking over Evie, taking in all the details. The pale dress she wore was pretty, but did little to hide how thin and sickly she was.
Radar nodded and returned with crackers and water setting it down before backing up and giving her space.
Evie gazed at the crackers and water for a long time before she crawled to them. She kept her eyes on everyone as she did so, grabbing one of the crackers and slowly nibbling it. In a low crouch, her legs were more visible, revealing the odd and jagged lines of what her lightning could do to her. They were mixed with what looked like strange scars resembling scalpel cuts.
Riley helped drag Alex over to a couch and covered him with a blanket.
“Honestly, I did stab Alex on purpose.” Loreen admitted as she helped with Alex.
“I know but he’ll probably tease you about it” Riley replied looking over at her “are you ok?”
“Yes, I am,” Pulling out a sharpie, she started to draw on Alex’s face.
Riley chuckled as he watched her taking a photo with Alex’s phone and texting it to Yule and Klaire.
Klaire would reply with a laughing emoji, but Yule wouldn’t respond until morning since she was asleep. She would also send a laughing emoji and ask how he wasn’t aware of this.
Riley put the phone back but not before showing Loreen the photo.
Loreen looked at the photo and snickered under her breath. “That's for all the teasing.” She said with a smirk.