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View character profile for: Tzeitel Nussbaum

View character profile for: Delilah Sanderson
Don't Judge Them
“I understand you're concerned people may have liked the videos, but we are here to help you, Tzeitel.” Delilah said as she watched her. “No one is here to laugh or mock you. We all see what happened to you as something horrible.”
Tzeitel shook with sobs. “S-some of th-them m-might.” Tzeitel had spent a year being abused by men who very much enjoyed that sort of thing. It was hard to get used to this place actually being safe. The people around her not being monsters.
“The people here are not like that, Tzeitel.” Delilah reiterated. “You are judging them before you even meet them.”
Tzeitel peered out from under the blanket at Delilah. Her large eyes were full of pain and fear. MegaCorp had taken so much from her, she was in near constant fear.
“I understand that you’re afraid, but you’re letting it control everything you do. The people here are not out to harm you or judge you. They simply want to live in peace.” Delilah said, her tone serious. “You should think about that while in here. When you feel up to it, call someone to come get you back to your room.” Hopping off the bed, she made her way to the door.
“W-wait.” Tzeitel shakily stood up. She clung to the blanket like a small child, like she was Ami’s age. “N-nine’s n-not in there n-now?”
“No, we got him out and he's in his room right now.” Delilah answered as she scanned a card and opened the door. She tapped a few keys on a panel and there was a click. “I'm leaving the door unlocked for you, but please…don't lose my trust with another incident.”
Tzeitel's shoulders slumped and she stared at the floor with eyes filled with tears of shame. She felt like such a failure. “C-can you w-walk me t-to my r-room n-now?”
“Are you ready to face the hallway?” Delilah asked. “I'm not going to hold your hand or let you cling to me like Klaire does.”
Tzeitel did not point out that she did not want to touch Delilah, much less hold her hand. She just nodded, lightly touching her neck scars. She did not want to stay in this room, it was different from what was at MegaCorp but it still reminded her of the examinations she had been forced to endure before Loreen was able to intervene.
“If you use your pheromones in the hallway again, you're coming back in here. Understood?” Delilah warned her as she held the door open. “I'm looking for a psychiatrist so we can use River’s garden and prescribe you some calming medicine.”