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View character profile for: Thrane Heinrich

View character profile for: Gary Canestone
Punishment Rightly Served
Thrane’s face was emotionless as he had his power pull Canestone’s hands up into the air above him. “It seems I can, you childish fool.” He said and pulled a sword from the cane he often carried around, putting it at Bella’s neck. “I don't think you deserve your dog.”
“You're a monster!” Canestone was sobbing now.
Thrane ignored the sobbing, a sickly grin forming on his face that would show off those strangely sharp teeth. “I’ll spare little Bella for now, but you do not deserve her.” He made a small gesture with his hand, causing Canestone’s body to press to the wall. He made chains wrap around the man’s wrists to keep him in place. “Enjoy hanging there for a week.”
He tugged on Bella’s leash gently and pulled her outside as guards fixed Canestone’s pants.
“This is cruel and inhumane!” Canestone howled. He had restrained a lot of victims, he knew how cruel it could be.
Thrane stopped at the door and looked toward Canestone. “Now you know how all those victims felt.” He stated calmly before leaving with Bella. The door was closed and locked behind him.
Canestone was still getting off easier than most of his victims. He struggled against the restraints.
The restraints only tightened around his wrists.
Canestone screamed. It was loud but not as loud as he had made others scream.
The restraints began to burn his skin.
Canestone pathetically begged for it to stop.
It stopped. For now. But any time he struggled or screamed the burning and tightening would return.
Canestone moaned and whimpered. It did not take long for him to soil himself, or start begging for food and water. He did not hold out anywhere near as strongly as any of his victims.
And he would be left like that for hours until the next day.