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View character profile for: Yule

View character profile for: Nero Karterson

View character profile for: Haven
Not A Haven (Pt. 2)
“Th-Thrane visited and…h-h-he gave me a medicine…f-f-from a needle…” Yule said.
“What color was it?” The concerned nurse suddenly asked but was pulled away by the other nurses.
Haven looked at Yule with sympathy. There was no telling what she had been injected with. It was never anything good.
“I’m s-s-scared…” Yule whispered and wept again. Her cat tail flicked and wrapped around one of her legs.
A guard would soon walk in and talk to a nurse in hushed tones. The nurse would frown, but she eventually gestured to Haven and Yule.
“He's looking for us.” Haven warned Yule in a whisper.
“Who?” Yule asked with fear.
The guard walked over to them. “Yule and Haven, Thrane wants you both in his office.” He said calmly. “You will follow me to his office. Get up.”
“Yule can’t…” One of the nurse’s began.
“They will walk.” He stated harshly.
Haven was not sure if she could walk yet either. She weakly sat up.
Yule, used to this kind of treatment, began to slide from the bed, only to crumple to the floor. The guard sighed irritably. “Get them wheelchairs, damn it!” He snapped at the nurses. They rushed to obey, but were all glaring at him as they helped both meta women into the wheelchairs. At least the nurses were nice to them…
Haven hunched over in the wheelchair. She was still feeling cramped and oozing blood. She just wanted to crawl under a rock and die.
“Wheel them,” The guard said, making the nurses push the wheelchairs down the halls and into an elevator, following him. They were all silent as they slowly made their way to Thrane’s office.
Haven tried not to let the fear overwhelm her. She was terrified.
The guard knocked on the door and it soon opened to reveal Thrane. “Yule. Haven. Come in.” He said and gestured for the nurses to wheel both women into the room. They were stopped in front of his desk, which he went around and sat at. Bella was comfortably nestled in a corner, snoozing on a bed that he’d set there for her. “I wanted to speak with you both about a program I want to put you in.”
Haven did not know what to ask or say. Nobody ever spoke to her about what they were going to do to her before doing it before.
Yule frowned. “W-w-what program?” She asked.
“Well, I want to do some more experimentation on DNA mixtures and you two have quite the interesting abilities.” Thrane explained as he looked over some papers. “Your ability is Unhealing, Haven. I prefer to call it necrotic acceleration, but to each their own. Yule here is just a cat with an ability to create literal rot. I’m going to get you two to work together to make me something…and you’ll be doing it against Nero.”
Haven shrank in the wheelchair. She did not like what her powers did, even if she felt strangled by them being blocked. She did not like this program Thrane was putting her in. Nero had never done anything to her. But she obviously had no choice. She never had a choice about anything in MegaCorp.
“Haven, you will do this or go back to the breeding program. Pick your poison.” Thrane told her. “At least with this, you’ll have your power to defend yourself when Nero comes for you…”
Yule was frozen in place. Thrane’s words made her extremely nervous - it sounded as if he was going to have Haven face Nero alone. “W-what about me?” She asked softly. “M-maybe we can…”
“You will be in there with her. We’re starving Nero for today and when the time comes tonight, you two will go in there and face the hunger he is suffering.” Thrane explained. “I want to find a way to control him and you two have powers that could aid in dealing with him.”
“I…is Dr. Karterson okay with this?” Yule asked.
“Loreen has no say in this.” He replied coldly.
The whole idea sounded terrible, but at least it would finally be over for good. She did not want to be used and pregnant again. Especially since she was certain it would only end in another miscarriage.
“I'll do it.” She said in a small voice.
“Okay…” Yule whispered.
“Get them ready, give them the serum to heal them both up so they’ll at least stand a chance.” Thrane ordered the guard by the door. Both nurses glanced at each other with worry as they pulled wheeled the meta women from the room.
They would follow the guard to a lab where the serum would be injected into them so they’d heal up and be prepared in an hour.
It was nice to physically recover from what had happened, if not emotionally. Haven looked at Yule. “I hope Nero kills me quickly.”
“I’m not ready to die…I want out…” Yule whispered as they were walked to the elevator that would take them down to the level Nero was on. She was shaking, full of fear.
“I want out too.” Haven admitted. “But getting killed is more likely.”
Yule was silent in response as they both were taken down another hall. She was taken into a different room while Haven was sent into another where a scientist would look over her and do some measurements. The woman would mutter a lot of things about Haven’s weight not being enough to feed someone that big…