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View character profile for: Loreen Karterson

View character profile for: Tzeitel Nussbaum
Life In MegaCorp (Pt. 2)
Tzeitel looked around herself, only growing more fearful at the change of surroundings.
Loreen pulled on some gloves and walked over to Tzeitel, offering her a tired smile. “Hello again, Tzeitel. Is it okay if I get your vitals?” She asked, something she always did when there was that rare time she’d tend to the younger woman. Compared to the other doctors and scientists in this place, Loreen had become an angel to all the tortured and hurt souls. She just wanted to help, after all.
Plus, she had a lot to speak with Tzeitel about. Her charts left a lot to be worried about.
Tzeitel cringed and seemed to try to shrink away from Loreen. After what she had just gone through - and months of abuse - she did not want to be touched.
Seeing her obvious discomfort, Loreen nodded. “Okay, it can wait until you’re more comfortable.” Glancing to the door, she made sure it was locked before she undid Tzeitel’s restraints. “Since it’s just basics, why don’t I show you how to do this and you can do it yourself? It’s just blood pressure, temperature, etc. Sound good?”
Tzeitel was not listening. Once her restraints were off she scrambled to the safest looking corner of the room. She crouched in a tight ball.
Loreen would let Tzeitel stay in the corner until she calmed down. The doctor would patiently wait at her desk, writing notes and looking through other documents, but always keeping a close eye on the poor woman. She wished there was something more she could do, but she knew Tzeitel needed time and patience.
It took Tzeitel a very long time to calm down enough to leave the corner. She explored the room like a wild animal in a cage. She was still hyper vigilant and avoided turning her back on Loreen or the door.
“Tzeitel, I need to get your vitals,” Loreen said softly as she watched the poor woman. A glance at the time made her want to check on Riley.
Tzeitel looked warily at Loreen. She looked like a child afraid to get their first booster shot.
“Here,” Loreen said as she got to her feet and grabbed a blood pressure cuff. It was a mobile one and she set it on the floor, sliding the item toward Tzeitel. “You can do it yourself. I’ll tell you what buttons to press and how to work with it. That help?” They had gone through this multiple times, but she had noticed how more distant Tzeitel had become the closer she got to the birth of the twins.
Tzeitel picked up the cuff. She started to put it on but remembered the feeling of the restraints on her arms. With a small cry she tore the cuff off and tossed it back on the floor. She burst into tears.
“Do you want a soothing medicine, Tzeitel?” Loreen asked as she picked up the cuff and set it on the table. “It helped with your stress last time. Remember?” She always tried to remind Tzeitel of the few calming and good moments so that she could have a better chance at getting through things.
She worried over Tzeitel’s life when it came to giving birth. Would she survive? So many meta women died, even with Loreen’s advanced medications and machines to help save them. Something about meta births was just always more stressful on the body. It’s what happened to a girl the other day. Loreen had sat in her room and wept for an hour for the poor girl…
Tzeitel nodded slowly. She had no control over her life or her body, the soothing meds at least made it seem to matter less.
Loreen nodded and went to her cabinet, searching around until she found the medication. Getting two pills out, she got Tzeitel a glass of water from the bathroom sink and brought both to her. Setting the cup down near Tzeitel, she put the little pills in a small paper cup and set it next to the water. “There you go.” She said softly.
Tzeitel drank some of the water, then carefully swallowed the pills, washing them down with the rest of the water. They were tiny but her throat was very swollen and sore after so much force feeding.
“We’ll give them a few minutes to kick in so we can get your vitals and then I’ll take you to your room next door.” Loreen explained softly. “Do you want some more water, Tzeitel?” She was being patient, watching the other woman’s actions and mood carefully. The information she’d gotten from Cook told her that Klaire and James were trying to find where they were. They had been trying so hard, but every facility they took down proved to be fruitless.
She could only hope that Cook could leave behind clues for them like they’d planned.
Tzeitel nodded, she was so thirsty. She was in pain. She was exhausted.
Loreen got her another glass of water and looked over her paper work again. She kept glancing at the door with a hint of worry in her eyes. “When you’re ready we’ll get started on your vitals, okay?” She said calmly.
Tzeitel drank the entire glass of water. She nodded. She still looked nervous but at least no longer panicked.
Returning to Tzeitel, Loreen slid the blood pressure cuff over to the other woman again. “Remember what to do?” She asked softly, calmly.
Tzeitel slipped the cuff slowly over her arm, her anxiety rising again was clear in her eyes.
Loreen got Tzeitel’s blood pressure and had her do all that was needed to get her heart rate and other vitals before she escorted Tzeitel to the room next door. It was built more like a natural bedroom with a bed, a dresser and some other things a person would need. “So long as you don’t do anything rash, Thrane promised he won’t have them strap you down to the bed. You’re off limits to the guards and other medical staff, but myself and those I approved. The only real requirement for this is that you eat of your own accord, Tzeitel. Otherwise, he will have me bring in the feeding tube…I don’t want to do that…” She just wanted to give Tzeitel some peace before the birth.