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View character profile for: Riley Silvers

View character profile for: Loreen Karterson

View character profile for: Slither
Snake Walk
Riley gently placed the snake back on Colt’s pillow before moving towards Loreen. “It's ok” he whispered pulling her back into a hug.
Loreen tried to agree, but was quickly pulling away and out the door when Slither came sliding over. The little snake looked up at Riley with what could only be called a little smirk.
“Why would you do that?” he sighed “it took all my courage to confess”
Slither stuck her tongue out at Riley and climbed up along his body until she was on his shoulders.
“What am I going to do with you” he sighed while debating if he should risk leaving his cell to chase after her.
Slither licked his face cutely and nuzzled into him as if encouraging him to go after Loreen.
Riley nodded and opened the door before heading out to search for her.
Slither, excited by the opportunity of exploration, climbed onto Riley’s head and sat there. She happily turned about, gazing at everything they passed.
Riley walked through the corridors heading to her room.
Sadly, Loreen wouldn’t be in her room. She’d been called off to deal with other issues.
As for the room itself, it was plain and dull - empty of anything that would give it life. The only signs that she lived there were a notebook on her desk with a few pens sitting by it. Atop the notebook sat a framed picture of a woman that looked a lot like Loreen but with long hair. She was holding a newborn - It was Loreen’s sister and Nero when he’d been born.
Sadly, an alarm would start going off. It was the rarest of them all - Nero’s alarm.
Riley stared At the frame for a moment before the alarm went off. Exiting The room he made his way towards Nero.