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View character profile for: Colt Westerly

View character profile for: Piritta Mirja Toivonen
Our Favorite Finn (Pt 1)
Piritta loved living alone in the forest. She told herself that all the time. Well, not exactly. She actually told herself “Rakastan asua yksin metsässä. Minun ei tarvitse nähdä isovanhempiani. En tarvitse ystäviä.” It was not very convincing.
But she was doing well. She knew how to survive in the wilderness. She was excellent at fishing and was not bad at hunting. She could prepare her own fish and game in the woods. She had a tent she slept in when it rained, and rarely camped in the same place twice. Those bastards from MegaCorp were still after her despite her dramatic escape from them last year. Meaning she could not settle down anywhere. Meaning she risked capture and her grandparents’ safety whenever she visited them.
She tried to not let it get her down. Sometimes it was hard. Her parents were barely cold in the ground before MegaCorp first came to her grandparents’ house, obviously after her just because she survived the accident that killed her parents. Her grandparents got them to leave, but Piritta could tell these creepy people would not take no for an answer, and would turn violent. So Piritta got her birch handled knife, packed up a few things and left. And has been living on her own ever since.
Now Piritta had a few decent sized trout spread on a rock as she gutted them. She was going to eat well.
Being forced to go out so soon after he’d been reborn, Colt felt almost sick, but he was physically fine - healthy. He was stronger than he used to be, his power more ruthless than he’d ever been used to. If he knew he wouldn’t get zapped by the chip and metal plate in his neck, he’d have gone after Thrane, but the cat eared meta knew better.
Oh, he knew better…he’d already had his head cut off by the man once. He didn’t want that to happen again.
Dropping down from the helicopter, he watched it fly off and touched the hilt of the sword strapped to his back. He’d examined the file on the way here, taken in the image of the woman he was here for - Piritta Mirja Toivonen.
He didn’t want to go after the beautiful Finnish woman, but he had no choice.
With a sigh, he started his trek, easily catching her scent.
Piritta was sitting on a rock while her trout cooked over a small fire. She heard the approach. “Näytä itsesi, tai saat kasvot täynnä kalansuolia.” She called.
Understanding her, Colt used his wind to force the trees and bushes out of his way as he walked into the area. “Surprised you heard me, but…I really don’t want to hunt you.” He said as he looked toward her. “So, do you only speak Finnish?”
“Anteeks, en ymmärrä. Puhun vain suomea. Onko teillä nälkä?” Piritta sprinkled some seasonings over one of the grilled trout and offered it to Colt.
Sighing, Colt spoke in Finnish. <I’m Colt and…> He gazed at the food, cat ears twitching, before nodding. <Yeah, I haven’t eaten since earlier today. Why are you out here?>
“Rakastan olla hiljassa metsässä.” Piritta shrugged, giving Colt the trout. It would taste really good, fresh and full of flavor. “Miski olette täällä?”
Colt took a bite and let out a happy purr without meaning to when he tasted it. Listening to her, he contemplated lying, but felt he needed to be honest. Something about Piritta compelled his better nature to act up. <MegaCorp wants me to take you back. They sent me here, but…I don’t want to. I don’t want to hunt other metas.> He admitted, staring at her as his ears fell back with shame. <I should be dead.>
“Mutta…” Piritta noted, giving whatever gear was on Colt belt a pointed look. He was prepared to hunt metas. Piritta took another bite of her trout. It was good, best to be eaten right away while it was still hot.
Colt tilted his head and slid his fingers along the back of his neck, turning a bit so she could see the metal plating embedded there. It would keep the chip in place. <Unless I get this out, I’ll be punished for not doing what I’m told…> He admitted, blinking a bit at the odd sensation he was getting now. <...what…what’s in that trout?>
He hadn’t ever been drugged before, but he couldn’t stop eating what she’d given him until it was gone. He hadn’t had fish in…well, since he’d been slaughtered years ago.
Piritta was also high, but was naturally more tolerant. She finished her trout, then scooped Colt up in a fireman’s carry. She had found a shelter nearby, one she resisted using unless the weather was really bad because she could tell that this had been a very bad place and that very, very bad things had happened there. The sick bastard who built this shelter was long gone, Piritta had spent a long time lying in wait for the sadistic serial killer to return but he never did. Piritta hoped he was having a hard time in prison. Piritta held Colt high over her head to protect him from the thick briars, eventually coming to the small shack. The rings were still set in the floor, but Piritta put a thick and soft sleeping bag on the floor before setting Colt on the floor and tying his wrists and ankles to the rings. She began stripping him of weapons and gear.
The smell would hit Colt first and it was like being brought back to reality. Memories of Tzeitel’s state when she’d been brought back from Canestone’s torture swam through his mind. He could see the pain and horror in her eyes and instinct began to strike. Wind began to spin through the room as his eyes darted around and he tried to lift up. With Thrane’s enhancements, he made the bindings jerk a bit.
“This place…” He growled.