Characters in this post

View character profile for: Klaire Roth

View character profile for: James Brown

View character profile for: Alex Silvers

View character profile for: Ami Nussbaum

View character profile for: Delilah Sanderson
War On MegaCorp (Pt 7)
“You two ever think of having some of your own?” He whispered so only James could hear.
James was silent and let Cody be comfortable before moving to the front to sit with Alex. “Klaire can’t have kids…” He whispered back.
“My apologies” he said for bringing up the topic “for what's it is worth you two would be great parents i mean you two already are in a way..”
“I guess,” James said as he glanced back at Klaire. He knew how much it pained her that she couldn’t have children of her own.
“the boy has taken a liking to you both” he replied looking through the mirror.
“Seems so,” James glanced back at Cody. “His name is Cody, by the way.”
Ami mumbled something in her sleep, hugging closer to Klaire.
Klaire couldn’t help but hug Ami. She was too cute. Now she had Cody cuddling her too. “It’s like I have babies.” She cooed.
Ami mumbled again, more clearly this time. “Klaire-dog.”
Alex smiled as he continued to drive.
Klaire smiled and couldn’t wait to get Tzeitel and Ami united.
James stretched. “I’m gonna nap. Wake me when it’s my turn to drive.”
Alex nodded and popped open an energy deciding to let the others rest as he drove the rest of the way.
When they arrived James jerked awake and blinked. “Where are we?” He groaned.
Klaire was gently waking Ami and Cody. “Underground,” She said with a smile. “Thanks for driving, Alex.”
Ami’s large dark eyes popped open. “Are we going to get Tzeitel now?”
“I hope so.” Klaire said as they got out of the van. “Where’s Mark and Delilah?”
“Probably fucking…” James muttered as he picked up Cody, who was still snoozing.
“They better not be!” Ami exclaimed, hurrying to the building. They had to save her sister.
James cleared his throat. “Well then…”
Klaire rushed after Ami. “YEAH! MARK!!!!”
Mark would be found in the war room Looking over data.
Ami was relieved that Mark was not fucking. “We need to save my sister!”
“ trust me I know rugrat” he chuckled “ been making arrangements ever since we found out we're almost ready.”
“We going to leave soon?!” Klaire asked as she followed Ami into the room.
Ami bounced on the balls of her feet, something Tzeitel did during the rare moments she was happy or excited about something.
Mark nodded and pressed the button on the screen.Bringing up photos of various metas including two that bore resemblance to a certain speedster and cat meta. “ As you know, the underground isn't just an organization that wages war on megacorp we also focus on getting metas out of the country, so they can get to live normal lives. Years ago one of our chapters in Canada got ahold of mega Corp experimental aircraft. These babies can fly long distance and not get picked up by any sensors. One of their pilots will be on loan for us. During this mission, they'll get you guys to and from the north pole.”
Klaire stared at the screen. “So long as we can get them out.” She said, thinking of Tzeitel. “We need to get her out before it’s too late.”
Ami bounced on the balls of her feet again. “Let’s go!” She said excitedly.
“Which is why we’re leaving immediately” he assured them “Delilah is with the pilot going over the final checklist.”
Ami made a small excited squeaking sound and took off.
Klaire let out a happy dog yelp and followed Ami.
James laughed and followed them calmly, waving to Mark.