Characters in this post

View character profile for: Riley Silvers

View character profile for: Loreen Karterson

View character profile for: Alex Silvers

View character profile for: Nero Karterson

View character profile for: Slither

View character profile for: Shiro Heinrich
Help That Speedster (Pt 2)
Alex nodded and helped her get him settled “so you two….. close?” He asked noticing how she looked over him.
Loreen stared at Alex. “I’d rather not talk about such things right now,” She retorted, tone stern.
“Sure…” he replied with a smirk “regardless of your relationship with my cousin I'm glad he had someone looking out for him. Thank you for that.”
“You’re welcome,” Loreen replied. “I have to tend to others, so can you keep an eye on him?” She would not leave without his response. Her eyes flickered over to Shiro, who was groaning in pain. She suspected it was something internal since there were no visible wounds on him. Though, knowing who his “father” was, he could be suffering from something else altogether. “Or you can bring Shiro to me. I need to check over him. See what the hell Thrane did to him…”
Alex nodded and gently picked Shiro up and set him down next to Riley. “underground medical staffs prepared for them soon as we land.” He informed her.
“They don’t have the experience with Thrane that I do, though…” Loreen said with disdain as she checked Shiro’s vitals. Grimacing, she had Alex hold the young man up as she took off his jacket and shirt, checking along his skin with her fingers until she found what she was looking for. “Damn it…” She seethed. “Of course he would put it right near your heart. Where’s that snake?”
Alex pointed To the snake wrapped around Riley's neck looking at her. “That snake?”
Loreen froze as Slither gave Alex a little glare. If she could speak or if he could read minds, he would be quite offended at her words.
Alex looked at the snake and offered his hand “hey pretty girl think you can help our friend out i know Riley would appreciate it.”
Just to be a brat, Slither bit onto one of Alex’s fingers. It wouldn’t do anything to him, but it would hurt…that was the most he’d get, but she didn’t say no.
“Why does that snake want to be on me?” Loreen hissed as she found her tools and got some towels, setting them under Shiro. He coughed a bit, clawing at his chest. “Stop that.”
“It hurts…” He groaned.
“Of course it does! It’s trying to cut into your heart. Stay still or I’ll knock you out the old fashioned way.” She warned.
Alex gently picked up the snake and brought her over to Shiro “anyway I can help?” He offered.
“Hold Shiro down…this is gonna hurt.” Loreen warned and pulled out a scalpel.
Alex nodded and apologize to Shiro before firmly holding him down.
Loreen spread iodine along Shiro’s chest after she numbed up his chest a bit with some medicine. She had to be quick, so she made sure her strokes with the scalpel were precise. The poor man gritted his teeth, still feeling everything and it took some work between Loreen cutting and working her fingers around and Alex holding him in place.
After she finally reached the chip and began to cut it away, Shiro finally cried out in pain, his entire body trying to jerk.
But once it was done, she pulled her hands away and let Slither help heal him. Shiro had his own healing ability, but with Slither, it worked faster.
The poor boy was embarrassed at his tears.
“It's alright buddy let it out” Alex replied patting him on the shoulder.
Meanwhile Riley laid there still as a corpse his breathing the only indication he was alive as his body was trying to repair the years of damage with the nutrients from the iv. Every now and then his body would spasm as a pained expression appeared on his face.
“Why Riley twitchy?” Nero suddenly asked from behind Alex like a horrifying looming shadow from hell…
Alex jumped for a moment before trying to calm himself down. “speedsters healing factors are tied to their powers. I'm guessing with the chip gone His body is finally trying to undo the damages. The problem is he doesn't have that much reserves of calories and other energy right now. It's like trying to power a house with a watch battery.”
“Wake up. Make eat.” Nero suggested.
“Not everyone eats as much as you, Nero.” Loreen scolded as she took care of Shiro.
“The underground can put him on a diet that will help him gain weight” Alex replied to Nero before turning to Loreen “can I ask you how bad Riley is? When we were searching for him Thrane Left videos of him and some chick torturing him.”
Loreen stared at Alex. “He’s underweight and has been put beyond his limits…” She went on to explain it all in detail, a look of guilt in her eyes.
Nero growled, hating seeing her like this.
“It…it’s not her fault…” Shiro said as he slowly pet Slither in thanks.
“you've been looking after him that's all that matters” Alex replied “sounds like he would have given up without you. “
“A lot of us would have given up without her,” Shiro said as he finally sat up and set Slither aside so he could wipe off the blood.
“Hungry…” Nero grumbled.
“We’ll get you food later, Nero.” Loreen sighed as she went back to Riley and checked his vitals.