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View character profile for: Colt Westerly

View character profile for: Piritta Mirja Toivonen
Our Favorite Finn (Pt 6)
“Why not? It will keep you from getting lost, just follow them back.” Piritta caught the keys and slid into the driver's seat.
“I’m not planning to follow them back!” Colt scolded as he buckled up. “Start the car.”
“It's probably the easiest way for you to get laid.” Piritta sniffed as she started up the car.
“I’m not looking for a way to get laid,” Colt hissed in irritation and pointed to the gear shift. “Okay, move that until the screen in front of you on the dashboard has a D on it. That stands for drive, so keep your foot on the brake.”
“But I don’t want to stop, I want to go. I should keep my foot on the gas.” Piritta argued.
“If you start with your foot on the gas, it won’t shift gears.” Colt explained.
“That's a stupid design flaw.” Piritta pointed out.
“I don’t make the rules for cars, woman. You keep this up and I’ll be driving again.” Colt warned her.
“It’s so stupid!” Piritta complained, stomping her foot on the break to change gears. “Stupid amerikkalainen invention.”
“Yeah, yeah, just start driving, but don’t stomp on the gas. Slowly pull out of the parking spot.” Colt instructed, but was already holding onto the handle by his door. He had a bad feeling about this…
Piritta pulled out of the parking spot in her version of slowly. It was much faster than what Americans thought of as slow.
Colt may have been half Finnish, but he knew how to pull out of a parking spot slowly and that was NOT slowly. “God damn it!” He yelled and started cussing a lot in Finnish.
Piritta joined Colt in swearing in Finnish, one-upping him with regional curses from her home. She pressed harder on the gas when they reached the road.
Colt regretted letting Piritta drive.
Piritta thought this was a great time. She grinned at Colt as they passed a police car.
Colt caught a glimpse of the cop. “Oh, fuck…” He muttered.
“Fuck the police!” Piritta happily thrust an extended middle finger out her window.
“If we get pulled over I’ll be sent back to MegaCorp in a body bag, woman!” Colt yelled.
“They’ll never catch us.” Piritta said.
Colt clung to his seat. “You better make that a promise…”
“Joo.” Piritta said and drove right off a bridge.
Colt let out a yell. “FUUUUUUUCK!” With his wind, he somehow kept them from crashing and had them back on another road. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck!!!”
“See?” Piritta asked. The police were never going to catch them now.
“I had to use wind to keep us from dying!” Colt gasped out.
“Joo. Good job.” Piritta patted Colt’s head.
Colt just sighed and tried to stay calm, cat ears flattened back on his head. He still regretted letting her take the wheel.
“You’re okay that we’re no longer heading north?” Piritta asked.
“Something tells me we should be finding the meta Underground instead…” Colt grumbled. He had no control here and felt this woman had all the power.
“Ooh, I bet they can party.” Piritta said.
“You’ll have to talk to them about that.” Colt told her before noticing a car. “Hey, pull over!”
Surprisingly, Piritta obediently pulled over. “Gotta pee or throw up?” She asked.
“No, I want that Mustang.” He said, hopping out of the car and going to a blue Mustang that was sitting on the side of the road. The owner was looking on his phone at something and didn't notice the coming meta until a sword was at his face. “Is this a 1967 Mustang?” He asked as he held the blade under the man’s chin. “Was the original license plate Kitten with a 3 instead of an e?”
The man shook as he nodded.
“Then it was originally my father’s and mine. Get out.” Colt seethed, angry to see his old car in someone else's hands. “Give me the damn keys.”
The man tossed the keys to Colt after getting out and was soon running down the road like a coward.
“Kitt3n?” Piritta asked Colt with a raised eyebrow.
“It’s the nickname dad gave our mother.” Colt said with a shrug as he got into the driver’s seat of the mustang. “You can keep driving like a psycho in that other car, but this Mustang is mine.”
“I want to ride in the Mustang.” Piritta said, sliding into the passenger seat.
“Fine, but you’re not allowed to drive it.” Colt replied as he started the car. It roared to life and he let out a proud purr. “At least that fool kept your engine strong…”
“How’d he get your father’s car?” Piritta asked, shedding her jeans. She was still wearing underwear.