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View character profile for: Yule

View character profile for: Alex Silvers

View character profile for: Haven
Alex, The Sweetheart
Riley would mumble her name in his sleep as his hands clenched and unclenched.
Loreen gently took one of Riley’s hands, hoping they would arrive at the Underground soon.
Riley seemed to relax at her touch as if he knew it was her holding his hand.
Soon enough the transport would land back in the underground hangar where medical staff would be waiting.
Delilah would be with the medical staff, who gladly took the injured and made sure Riley was taken well care of. “How did everything go, Alex?” She asked as Loreen and Nero followed Riley.
Haven had wound up hidden under a seat, not feeling safe until she put up a wall of pillows and blankets. She knew she needed to leave her hiding place and was trying to work herself up to it.
“Got everyone we could out but Thrane is still out there with others that need our help.” Alex reported noticing Haven and Yule. “You might want take the lead on these two.”
Yule was simply sitting by the little fort that Haven had created and started to gently and slowly pull it apart. “We've arrived.” She said in a rather soft tone.
Delilah nodded and walked over to the women.
Meanwhile, Nine was very hesitant to trust anyone. He snapped his teeth at every medic that got within arms length, so they could not help and looked at Alex pleadingly.
“I know.” Haven whispered, peering nervously out of her blanket fort at Delilah.
Alex knelt down facing Nine “you’re safe now the sooner you let us look at you the sooner we can get you back to the woman you came in with.”
Nine was a grown man on all fours and didn’t understand why Alex was getting down to be at eye level with him. He snapped his teeth at the other man, snarling in warning. He did not want to be touched.
Yule watched as Delilah nodded and walked off to greet Klaire and Tzeitel. “Lets help Nine…” She whispered to Haven. “Maybe if we’re with him he’ll calm down…he’s more like an animal than a human at the moment and they’ve…they’ve cornered him.” She stood up, giving Haven the time she needed to calm down. Going over to Alex, she cleared her throat. “Maybe give him some…space?”
Alex nodded and smiled at her before backing away from Nine.
Haven slowly crawled out of her blanket fort and followed Yule. She recognized Nine’s body language, having held her body like that herself more than once. “Who hurt him?” Haven asked in a whisper.
“I heard it was that crazy water woman, Coral…” Yule whispered back with a shudder, hugging herself.
Nine let out a growl as the others moved away and seemed to calm a bit before going toward a corner. One of the medics looked toward the group. “We need to examine him. It’s obvious he’s malnourished, but if he’s got any injuries, we don’t want them opening up.”
“Maybe a male doctor?” Yule suggested. “It…it…it was a woman th-that hurt him a lot.
Haven had heard about Coral, mean crazy bitch. Haven could sympathize, she could not stand the thought of a male doctor touching her. “It will be okay.” Haven said softly to Nine.
“Or perhaps another Canidae based meta like Klaire or Riven?” Alex suggested.
“Klaire is female…” Yule murmured, glancing at Haven.
Nine narrowed his eyes, but recognized Haven and gave her a small nod, but he didn’t put his guard down. He would never put his guard down after all those nights in Coral’s room. The muzzle, the collar…it all kept haunting him. He could still feel her weight on him as she used him…
The doctor nodded and spoke to one of the members walking by. They gave a gesture of understanding and went to get Riven.
“It's ok you're safe” Alex assured.
Nine snapped his teeth at Alex, growling in warning.
“Are we really safe?” Yule asked with doubt in her tone.
Alex looked over to Yule “the underground is the Safest you can get out without leaving the country.” He replied in a kind voice “I'm Alex Riley's cousin.”
“I hope it’s safe.” Haven said nervously. She did not want to be abused anymore.
“Yule,” the pinkette with cat ears replied as she watched Nine with concern.
Riven would soon arrived and would crouch by Nine, talking to him in that deep but calming voice of his. It took a few minutes but the fox would soon go with the wolf to be tended to by doctors.
“Will you save the others eventually?” Yule asked, staying near Haven, her own hands turning black as tar as a warning for anyone to stay away from her and the redhead.
“Yes sooner or later we'll get them out of there” Alex replied. “If you want i can get you two a room to share.”
Haven looked at Yule for the answer. She did not want to be alone here.
“That would be nice,” Yule said, hoping it would be fine. She’d feel safer with a friend.
“Follow me we'll get you two Settled in” he replied smiling as he led them through the facility.
Haven followed him, grateful that Yule would share a room with her but still really nervous.
Yule followed Alex, but kept her distance and was staying close to Haven. She felt protective over the woman and wasn't going to leave her behind.
Alex led them to a room with two beds inside “this one is yours there is a phone inside I made sure to mention to the staff to only have females help you out for the time being.”
“Okay…” Yule murmured as she shifted in place uncomfortably.
Haven was grateful for Yule staying close to her. She was still feeling weak and sore from the miscarriage, she knew if she ever needed to run she could not manage it.
“Are you two hungry or thirsty I can get you something” Alex stepped back down the hallway to give them space to enter the room.
Haven was reluctant to go into the room, afraid of getting cornered and trapped.