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View character profile for: Gelf

View character profile for: Sorley Millward
Does This Count As A Date?
“Sure.” Sorley said, so eager to see Gelf again that he was not at all concerned about a pig being in their tiny apartment.
“Yay! We’ll be there in a snap!” Gelf chimed and only two minutes later she would appear in the doorway. Herbert was held in her arms, letting out an annoyed snort, and Carla sat upon the top of her head, staring at Sorley with her single eye. The chicken let out a cluck and stretched her feathers before nodding toward the man in greeting.
“Hi.” Sorley said, color rising in his cheeks as he let Gelf and the farm animals inside. Their timing was perfect, the food was ready to be taken from the oven, which Sorley did.
“Hi! Wow, that smells amazing!” Gelf said as she set Herbert down and watched Sorley. “Anything I can help with?”
Herbert merely stood there for a moment, letting Carla hop onto his back and get comfortable. The hen was not fat like some chickens, but she was healthy and obviously tough.
“You can just make yourself at home.” Sorley said, blushing at the thought of Gelf being at home in a place like this, not just a small cheap apartment but where Sorley was living. “Uh… Make yourself comfortable.” He hid his face and grabbed some plates.
Gelf found a seat and plopped down. “Thank you for inviting me, Sorley! I was so excited to come see you again!” She chimed, watching him and enjoying the sight of his rear end.
“I wanted to see you too “ Sorley admitted, too shy to look at Gelf and kept his back to her as he got out silverware. “What would you like to drink?”
“What all you got?” Gelf asked, her tail swaying with joy.
“Uh-” Sorley opened the fridge. “Generic root beer, milk, water and I could make coffee- though maybe you’d rather have coffee after dinner? You don’t have to stay after dinner… you can stay as long as you want!” He panicked.
Gelf smiled at all his words. “I would love some root beer. Haven’t had any of that in a long time!”
Sorley got Gelf a glass of root beer and a glass of it for himself. He set the plates on the table and started serving the mac and cheese.
Tail swaying with joy, Gelf sniffed at the mac and cheese before letting out a sigh of satisfaction. “This smells amaaaaaaazzing.” She purred.
Sorley thought Gelf’s hair smells even better and blushed at the thought and compliment. He made sure Gelf’s plate had plenty of food.
Gelf giggled. “Thank you, Sorley!” She chimed and took a small bite. There was a sparkle in her eyes as she let the flavor hit her. After chewing and swallowing, she let out another purr. “This tastes great! Where did you learn to cook mac and cheese so well?!”
“The internet.” Sorley admitted shyly, admiring Gelf’s eyes.
“Really? I don't see internet recipe’s being this good.” Gelf commented with a sweet smile.
“There are a lot of recipes on the Internet.” Sorley could not get over how Gelf’s eyes sparkled. He had never seen anything so beautiful.
Gelf gazed at Sorley with admiration and interest. “Well, you make it amazing. That secret ingredient must be added to your cooking.” She said, giggling sweetly.
Sorley blushed and looked away. “There are a lot of recipes on the internet.”
“None of them include your work, though.” Gelf smiled and kept enjoying the meal. She would compliment Sorley a few more times, her demeanor becoming more relaxed.
Sorley could not stop blushing, sure Gelf was just being nice to him but enjoying her company anyways. He wished he deserved a girlfriend like her.
Gelf’s ears twitched when she heard a familiar voice. “Sounds like Kiana is home.” She said with a little discomfort. “I should probably get going. I get the feeling she doesn’t like me.”