Characters in this post

View character profile for: Klaire Roth

View character profile for: James Brown

View character profile for: Dr. Chi

View character profile for: Alex Silvers

View character profile for: Ami Nussbaum
War On MegaCorp (Pt 2)
“Judging by your reaction I take it you're not talking about a ski resort?” Alex asked.
Ami shivered. She had learned about such a facility. “But we can get them out, right?”
“Obviously…” Klaire almost whispered, unable to fight a tear that fell down her face. James walked over and gently wiped the tear away. “If they’re there we have to get them out sooner than later. Oh, God, what if they’re forcing Tzeitel to have children? She can’t handle that! It’ll ruin her!”
“We’ll save them, Klaire. We will.” James said as he pulled her into a hug to calm her down. It was rare for Klaire to have moments like this. Tzeitel and Riley were like family to her and the mere thought of them in pain hurt her to the core.
They had to save them!
That was when Ami would get a call from a familiar doctor on the phone Klaire had gotten her. It was Dr. Chi.
“So how bad is this place?” Alex asked. “What are we dealing with?”
Ami knew where babies came from and felt sick. She jumped when her phone rang. She answered quickly. “Hello, Dr Chi.”
“Very bad…” Klaire murmured and went quiet, wanting to let Ami speak with Dr. Chi.
“Hello, Ami,” Dr. Chi spoke in his calm voice and the familiar sound of ruffled feathers could be heard. “Delilah wanted to call, but she’s busy, so I offered to make the call myself. How are things going with the search for your sister and the others? Are you doing well?” He always checked in just to make sure Ami was being taken care of properly. The man wouldn’t interfere with how Ami was raised so long as she wasn’t being abused or mistreated. He knew it was always best to let her make decisions on her own now so it would be easier for her to make them later in life.
Alex grabbed his laptop and gestured to Klaire and James that he was gonna work on the porch to give Ami some privacy.
“Klaire thinks they're forcing her to have babies!” Tears sprang to Ami’s eyes.
“We won’t know anything until we get her, Ami.” Dr. Chi spoke soothingly. “Remember, your sister is strong. She’s a survivor. We will save her. Can you let me speak with Alex?” When Delilah was busy, he often helped with getting information transferred between them all.
“I know.” Ami said in a choked voice. She caught Alex before he left the room and handed him the phone. “Dr Chi wants to talk to you.” Her voice still sounded slightly strangled.
Alex nodded and patted her shoulder “hey doc what can I do for you?”
“I’m aware that you got the latest information.” Dr. Chi spoke to Alex. “Delilah wants it sent over, but I also wanted to ask how you’re doing, Alex. I know all of this is stressful on you and the others.”
He would speak with all of them, make sure they’re well.
“Well doc it's interesting I mean I wasn't expecting you know going from artists living in his van to attacking megacorp in hopes of finding my thought to be dead cousin. For the most part I'm holding it together as best as I can try not to feel like we're going around and pointless circles. We got a new lead and hopefully it'll be where they're held.” Running his hair through his head he sighed. “Truth be told I'm terrified finding him as much as I am not finding him. The shit he's gone through I don't know if he'll be able to adjust.”
“I’m more concerned about how he’ll be if we never save him, Alex.” Dr. Chi admitted. “Anyone can adjust, but it takes time and patience. Riley will need that when we save him. And you know how Delilah is when she wants to save people. That woman is frightfully dangerous for a human.”
“I'm just worried even if I physically save him from megacorp that mentally he'll still be there” Alex sighed.
“That’s why he needs all the support he can get.” Dr. Chi explained. “That’s where we all come in. I’m sure Klaire has mentioned this and you’ve…seen how she is at times.” There had been times where Klaire would wake up screaming and thrashing and it would take between a few minutes to hours for James to calm her back down.
“I'm worried about her too” he whispered “saw another video of them being punished for her escaping. Tzeitel gets it easier because she's pregnant but Riley ….”
“Like I said, we need to get them out as soon as possible.” Dr. Chi persisted. “Make sure to send the information over and Delilah will get it looked over. Did Ami mention anything about it? Where anyone might be when she scanned it?”
“She hasn't mentioned a name but someplace extremely cold” Alex answered “something to do with a meta fueled power source too.”
“Hmmm,” Dr. Chi clucked in apprehension. “I may know what you’re talking about, but I’m going to speak with Delilah about it first. Thank you, Alex.”
“Any time doc” Alex replied “I'll keep an eye on everyone make sure they're doing alright.”
“Thank you. Take care, Alex.” Dr. Chi hung up.
James looked at Alex as he wrapped up the leftovers from Klaire’s and his own meal. “Things are getting more difficult, it seems.” He stated.
“Agreed and it seems like it's only going to get more difficult” Alex replied helping him clean “how you holding up?”
“I’m doing a lot better than Klaire and Ami…” James admitted, glancing into the living room where the girls had fallen asleep. “At least she’s able to sleep ever since we got Ami. Before we met you and the kid, Klaire…she never slept much. She was too scared to sleep.”
“Yeah she's a natural mother” Alex replied “those two go well together.”
James nodded and let out a heavy sigh. “So, we gotta send the drive to Delilah and company? Right?”
“Yeah Mark will wanna look at the stuff on here see if he can pick up anything I couldn't” he replied grabbing a water from the fridge and downing it.
James nodded again and stood up when he heard the moan. “Klaire? Ami?” He asked as he walked into the other room, knowing the dog-woman’s dreams could be horrifying and it wouldn’t be good if Ami saw them through her…
Alex hung by the door ready to help if needed.