Characters in this post

View character profile for: Razor

View character profile for: Esther

View character profile for: Iasis Frisk

View character profile for: Silver
Escape From The Attack
“Your blood…” Frisk said. She could not just throw a bandage on him. “There might be another explosion, I can smell smoke.”
“Shit, that’s right…” Razor glanced around. “Esther…my bag?”
“Got it!” Esther said, patting a backpack that had been behind him. He quickly grabbed it and started to work on his wounds with things that appeared to be like any other bandages, but obviously were not. “We gotta hurry, Razor. What if Sarah got hurt?! She’s in…uh…uh…intenseeeve care?” The little girl glanced at Frisk, hoping she’d said it correctly.
Shit. “You both need to get out of here, now.” Frisk said.
“We can’t,” Razor said as he let Esther work on his back. “Sarah is our mother. I know you know we’re…you know…but our mother is human and the intensive care here is the best in town. She needed to be here after the car accident.”
He wasn’t about to tell her Sarah was their adoptive mother, though.
“There will be others in the intensive ward helping your mother.” Frisk said.
“You sure about that?” Razor asked with concern in his tone as he looked down the hall. The fire was spreading and heading toward them. “Shit!”
“Razor, what do we do?” Esther asked, clinging to his leg as he finally got to his feet.
Frisk scooped up Esther. “GO!” She ordered Razor, starting to run.
Esther growled at Frisk. “Stop touching me! You’re not mama Sarah or Razor!”
“Just let her hold you for now, Esther.” Razor said as he ran with them.
Frisk usually did not have to carry anyone this far, but she was quite strong and burst out of the nearest exit with the growling little girl in her arms. Looking back she could see the damage done to the hospital, collapsed roofs and flames everywhere.
Razor looked back after they got to safety, horror and concern on his tan face. “Sarah…” He whispered.
“Mama Sarah!” Esther cried out as she stared at the hospital. “Sarah!”
“Are you sure they got her out?” Razor asked Frisk.
Frisk was not sure of anything besides that there was not enough time for this man and child to go to the intensive care unit with that fire. She hoped that Sarah got out safely but all she had about the woman were hopes.
Sadly, Sarah would be one of the women taken by Amihan. Despite her injuries from the accident she had been in, she was still a woman. Still valuable.
Razor gripped the straps to his backpack and sighed heavily. “Well…thanks for the help…” He said, glancing over Frisk to see her name. “Dr. Frisk.”
“Let go,” Esther wiggled free and went to Razor, taking his hand.
“I’m not a doctor, just an EMT.” Frisk said. “Patients are probably going to be brought to UMass.”
Then she noticed the words on the street. Huge red letters.
There were also pamphlets littering the area, Duuk’s ”Amihan manifesto”.
It really looked like metas were responsible for this attack now.
Razor looked sick at the sight. “Lets go.” He said, looking at Frisk. “You need to leave before one of those sick fucks get their hands on you. Amihan is a bunch of psychos. You got a car?”
Esther tugged on Frisk’s arm. “Can we come with you? We have no car…”
“I came here with my ambulance.” Frisk shook her head. “I’m an EMT, I’m not leaving until this is over. I’m needed here.”
“You’ll die if you stay here,” Esther suddenly said in a strangely monotonous tone.
“Esther, not now…” Razor said as he picked her up. “Not now. Not now…come on. Come back.” He gently shook her.
Frisk frowned, thinking the girl was in shock. “You should take her to UMass, they’re tolerant of metas there.”
“No, we have to get back to the Underground…” Razor said. “And she’s having one of her visions…” He grimaced and held Esther close as her blue eyes began to glow. “Come on, kiddo…”
“So many are gone, many more will go…” Esther whispered in that odd voice.
“Your Underground can treat her?” Frisk asked.
“Treat her?” Razor glared at Frisk. “This is part of her power. We don’t need to be treated for what we are. We’re as human as the rest of you.” He snarled, backing away from Frisk. “Are you a meta hater like everyone else?!”
“No, of course not.” Frisk said. “I’m just making sure the little girl will be alright.”
“Esther is fine,” Razor was glaring at Frisk, keeping away from her now.
Speaking of said child, she was back to normal now. “What’s wrong, Razor?” She asked and looked at Frisk. “Did you say something bad to Razor? He won’t hurt anyone! He’s Razor!”
Frisk sighed and turned back to the hospital to get to work.
“No!” Esther yelled and grabbed onto Frisk’s arm just as a man with long silver hair slammed down before them. A sinister smile was on his face as he stood and gazed upon Frisk, Esther and Razor with dark eyes.
“Esther, safe place!” Razor ordered as he grabbed onto both her and Frisk.
A dark mass suddenly engulfed them and the trio would find themselves safe in a grassy field.
Disoriented, Frisk sat down hard on the grass. “What happened? Where am I?”
“Safe place,” Esther answered.
“We're in Esther’s realm,” Razor explained as he dusted off. “It got us away from that Amihan psycho.”
Frisk frowned. “If people are being injured I should be there.”
“They won't be alive with Silver there.” Razor retorted.
Esther shook her head. “I only saw dead people, Miss Frisk. He would have killed you…” she explained.
“And done horrible things to your corpse.” Razor added with a shudder.
Frisk was still not happy about that. “People are dying back there.”
“You’d be dying too if you were back there.” Razor explained with a frown of his own. “Silver is super fast, like a bolt of lightning. He’s erratic, crazy, and kills without a second thought.”
Esther tapped the air and an image formed, showing Silver as he began to stab an innocent man to death. There was that sadistic smile on his face and he laughed as he got covered in blood. “He won’t leave survivors.” The five year old said in a far too mature voice for a girl her age.