Damage Control

Shi'za after landing switched to one of her other swords to attack the dragon with her free hand then she felt her body seize up. She then suddenly felt herself lose control of her bladder & bowels. When the attack was over she felt extremely numb, the moment she regained enough control of her body she got up and continued her attack fighting through the pain.

Arc made a gross “Eeewwww!”, sound at the sight of Shi’za soiling herself and returning to battle regardless. He said, “That girl ain’t right in the head. I fear she may perish if she fights a cube slime.” He grunted as he regretted his last attack.

Tav who attacked using her hand crossbows was impressed and a little disgusted at the site of Shi'za continuing the attack even after soiling herself. She is not getting back on board until she cleans up. I kind of regret suggesting it now if I knew that would have happened.

Arc then said, “I can loan her a towel if you have someone wash her off with magic water, then we can use cleaning magic wash her clothes. Luna will freak out if we let her get on the air ship while soiled like that.”


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