Characters in this post

View character profile for: Tav

View character profile for: Demonsbane

View character profile for: Sir Arc

View character profile for: Shi'za

View character profile for: Shadowfang
Secrets revealed
"Wanna make a bet on it? I am pretty sure with our luck we will run into one eventually. We can use the same water spell to clean her and her armor. If she wants a towel after that up to her."
The dragon finally was able to right itself, it started flying away. Shadowfang acted like he was intently listening but no one could hear anything. Shadowfang leaped on the dragon. He climbed his way to the dragon's back. After stabbing the Shadowfang sword into the dragon's back he tied a rope to the hilt and around his waist. "You better be right about this." Using Zephyr he began to hack away at the dragon's left wing while trying to maintain his balance as the dragon tried to shake him off. He stopped suddenly and started hacking away at the right wing. At one point the dragon began flying upside down expecting Shadowfang to fall to his death. "Hold baby hold. Do not slip." Shadowfang was praying to his god about his knot tying abilities. After the dragon righted itself Shadowfang came crashing down hard. He was left momentarily dazed, confused, and stumbling. After briefly throwing up he regained his composure. "You want me to do what? You gotta be kidding. No. No. I'll do it. Crazy bastard."
He attached a chain to the Zephyr's hilt. He then threw the Zephyr narrowly missing the left wing when he recalled the Zephyr the sword pieced through the wing. He then unsteadily ran up towards the neck of the bucking dragon. He then repeated the process on the left wing. Once finished he stabbed the Zephyr into the dragon's back. Now that his lassoing was done he drank his Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength. He then detached the chain from the zephr and began pulling as hard as he could, forcing the wings to bend back farther than they naturally would.
Demonsbane noticed the wings' unnatural movement. "The dragon's gonna crash again! Look out!" She watched it coming straight for Arc and Tav. Demonsbane charged at them and knocked them out of the way. When Demonsbane stood up she saw Arc's helmet. "Here's your helmet Arc."