Characters in this post

View character profile for: Obara Orime

View character profile for: Agent Orange

View character profile for: Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane (adoptable)

View character profile for: Abigale Krill aka Polka Dot Girl

View character profile for: Carrie Kelly aka Robin

View character profile for: Richard "Dick" John Grayson (adoptable)

View character profile for: Barbara Joan Gordon (adoptable)
Fear Factor
Posted byPosted: Dec 8, 2024, 10:44am
At the fancy restaurant Abby was working as a bus girl. To avoid talking to anyone she quietly cleared and cleaned the tables and floor. Agent Orange was disguised as a bus boy who was also cleaning the dirty tables as well. By the looks of it, he seemed to have done that job in the past. This allowed him to monitor everything around him. Carrie on the other hand was nervous as she felt out of place in the fancy restaurant and meeting Bruce’s daughter.
The dinner was going on for two hours when someone stormed the restaurant. Orime stood up. "Sat down I will handle this." Orime walked over to the women. "Nyssa. Nyssa. Nyssa. Your organization tried this with my mother years ago in Japan. It cost the lives of many people died. Just because I am no longer at Obara Enterprise, doesn't mean you get to try to pull the same shit with me. Your tactics don't work on me." Nyssa punched Orime in the face. Orime moved her head in time with the punch otherwise it would have ruined her disguise, something she would prefer not to do at this point. Orime laughed as she turned her head back to face Nyssa. She backhands Nyssa so hard that Nyssa crumples to the floor. Orime knelt beside Nyssa. "Tell your father if anyone from the League of Assassins ever darkens Gotham again it will be considered an act of war and I will make it my life's goal to erase everything Rā's al Ghūl ever built from the planet." Orime started walking back to the table. Suddenly a sword was thrust into her back and out of her chest. Orime's expression never changed. Suddenly her whole body turned to liquid metal then back to its human form but this time she was facing Nyssa again. She headbutted Nyssa hard breaking her nose. "Did your daddy tell you about the Metarumonsutā, the one that slaughtered all but one of his men in Japan? You just met the Metarumonsutā and the Metarumonsutā has not forgotten the blood debt your father owes." Orime grabbed the sword sticking out of her and pulled it out. Once the sword was out she used it to cut Nyssa's face. "Now leave this city. Report your failure to your father and give him my ultimatum." Once Nyssa left Orime sat down like what just happened was an everyday occurrence. "As you can plainly see I am what your media calls a Metahuman, a rather inappropriate name in my opinion. I am no longer a carbon-based life form. My body is liquid metal. This human form you see is a facade." She stuck her hand in the air and shifted it into its liquid metal form. "This is my natural state. I learned to mimic appearances." She shifted her face to look like Kate. "I can appear as anyone." She shifted her vocal cords to sound like Dick. "I can sound like anyone." She turned her hand into solid metal and hit the table's edge with minimal effort breaking a good chunk of it off. She shifted her face and vocal cords back to her own. "For two years I lived as a sentient puddle of liquid metal. This face is what computers told me I would look like at this age. I made a few alterations to suit my preferences. During the two years, I lived as a metallic puddle. The League of Assassins found my mother and tried to force her back into the fold. Out of a desperate need to protect my mother and stepfather by sheer willpower I forced myself to take human form and fight them. They tried stabbing, slashing, shooting, among other things. Most everything went right through me. That's how my stepfather died. After that, I blacked out from rage, and when I regained consciousness there was nothing left but chunks, I was told one escaped but not before he lost a hand. My stepfather's associates sent Ra's a message one chunk at a time. Ra's made an enemy that day with a long memory and even longer reach."
At first Agent Orange was going to stop the assassin who broke into the restaurant, but since Orime took up the challenge he watched as he kept Abby away from danger. Once Orime revealed her powers and banished the assassin he and Abby continued to work quietly as he kept his guard up. Carrie was a bit rattled by what just happened and looked at Agent Orange who was disguised as a bus boy to see his reaction. Since he looked calm she felt a bit safer. She was a bit shocked to see that Orime had a similar power like Agent Orange. She wondered why Orime let the assassin escape since she saw Agent Orange kill a lot of them in the past. She planned to ask what he was thinking later on about that.
She finished off her wine. "I am sure you have many questions but I must be going, I need to inform my stepfather's associates about this attack. Feel free to call me." She expertly tossed business cards at all of them. My cellphone is on the back. I never answer an unknown number so leave a message and I will call you back. Feel free to stay and eat as much as you like. The restaurant has my credit card on file." Orime then left for her hotel
Carrie looked at the others with concern on her face as she asked, “So where does that leave us and where do I fit in her plan?” Carrie then looked at Agent Orange and Abigale as she asked, “Can my friends join us now? I am sure we all have questions about what just happened.”