Characters in this post

View character profile for: Obara Orime

View character profile for: Agent Orange

View character profile for: Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane (adoptable)

View character profile for: Abigale Krill aka Polka Dot Girl

View character profile for: Carrie Kelly aka Robin

View character profile for: Richard "Dick" John Grayson (adoptable)

View character profile for: Barbara Joan Gordon (adoptable)
Similar Minds
Posted byPosted: Dec 24, 2024, 2:11pm
Dick invited Abigale and Agent Orange to set down and eat. He was upfront about Carrie's questions. "I have no clue what her plans are she spoke of nothing but herself and Bruce, after stating our funding would continue. At this point, the only thing I can say is I don't think she has a plan for any of us. Did you also notice she never once ate any food? She moved it around on her plate but she never ate any and she consumed quite a lot of alcohol but never showed any signs of intoxication. With her being liquid metal she may not need to eat. She may not be able to get drunk either. For now, we operate as usual. Someone might want to keep an eye on her under the guise of getting to know her better. She's living out of a hotel, we might consider asking her if she would like to move into Wayne Manor."
Carrie was glad Abbey and AO could join them. She had been close to them for so long it felt out of place to see them forced to act as help. However Dick’s last few words drew some attention. Carrie and Abbey looked at Agent Orange who was disguised as a waiter. They knew he was being quiet for a reason and Carrie asked, “What do you think about her AO?” Agent Orange sipped his tea then replied, “By what we just saw, this woman reminds me of me a bit. Granted her skills are similar to mine, she had a life change because of them and has had a rough life. She still has a family, money and is very independent. If you truly wish to be accepted by her, then I recommend being honest and sincere when you invite her. In the past I have been betrayed a lot so I have wary of ill intentions. I know that you all have reservations about me but I am patient and wait it out.” Carrie and Abbey chimed in and said they don’t want AO to leave them.