Carmine hires an assassin

It's been five days since the Silver Nightmare first appeared. Every day the news cycle was dominated by the Silver Nightmare. Carmine Falcone every day was getting more pissed off. He eventually had enough and contacted the League of Assassins to hire an assassin.

That afternoon the Arkham Knight received a call from the League. "I'm already in Gotham. I'll review all relevant information and begin hunting." Arkham Knight hung up. "This will be fun." His laptop dinged alerting him to receiving the information on the target. "Silver Nightmare. Mimetic metal of unknown substance. No known weaknesses. Electricity is a decent suggestion. Doubtful any kind of biological agent will work. Acid is another decent suggestion, depending on the acid. Needs testing in the field. Melee? Bullets?" Arkham Knight began reviewing the footage. "So Melee and Bullets are out completely. What's this?" Arkham Knight rewound some footage. "Brief momentary loss of control over their form." Arkham Knight zoomed in. "A taser, last-ditch effort but not strong enough. Someone didn't study this footage well enough. Tsk. Tsk." Arkham Knight reported the failure to notice the taser attack being very briefly effective. Arkham Knight began studying Gotham to find a good place to execute his plan.

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