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View character profile for: Dr. Simon Hurt aka Spellbinder
Old Man On The Hill
Posted byPosted: Nov 25, 2024, 11:33pm
Dr. Simon Hurt eventually made his way to a 24/7 Realtor service and used his powers of illusion and hypnosis to charm the staff. Granted he was still wet and dis-shoveled from playing dead in a coffin under water for many years he altered his appearance to make him look dashing. He had them look for places he could purchase so he could use it as a base. Then after a lot of research they found an old creepy mansion available for cheap due to the last owners getting killed in it. Dr. Hurt found the charm of such a place to be amusing and used one of his old aliases to buy the mansion with an old account that was still active. Being alive for a long time he had built up a lot of wealth in both legal and illegal ways. He planned to sell his new loot to replace his lost funds later on after contacting his buyers.
Once he was done with his business he thanked the staff for their hard work and left with the deed to the old mansion. He was feeling smug as he just did something in a few hours that should have taken much longer using his influence. Then he got back into his truck and drove out of the city and into the countryside. During his long drive he listened to his old songs on the radio station and sang along.
Black Magic Song
That old black magic has me in its spell
That old black magic that you weave so well
Those icy fingers up and down my spine
The same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine
The same old tingle that I feel inside
And then that elevator starts its ride
And down and down I go
'Round and 'round I go
Like a leaf that's caught in the tide
I should stay away but what can I do
I hear your name and I'm aflame
Aflame with such a burning desire
That only your kiss can put out the fire
'Cause you are the lover I have waited for
The mate that fate had me created for
And every time your lips meet mine
Darling, down and down I go
'Round and 'round I go
In a spin, lovin the spin that I'm in
Under that old black magic called love
Dr. Hurt chuckled as he sang along to the oldies. He found that style of music entertaining and charming. He liked how they celebrated darkness in music throughout history. It was ironic that humanity managed to evolve and stay the same at the same time. Eventually he arrived at the address he was given by the agency. He looked out the window and smiled as he looked at the old creepy mansion.
Old Mansion
He then said, "Nothing a bit of paint and can do attitude can't fix." Then he parked the truck and unlocked the door with his new keys and looked inside. He was glad the utilities were still on so he would have power, corded phones, gas and water. However he would deal with that troublesome stuff tomorrow. he was tired and looked around the place. It was indeed and old mansion and needed some work but it suited his needs for now. Oddly enough it was still furnished and all the furniture was covered in sheets to protect it from dust. As he looked through the closets he found the old clothing from the prior owners and chuckled. He then borrowed some sleep wear and changed from his wet suit. He would need to order more clothing later on as well. Then he hung up his suit and hung it in the bathroom to drip dry. He then went to take a shower but saw the brown water coming out and laughed as he waited for it to flush out before he washed off.
Once he was feeling clean he put on the loose fitting joggling suit and lay on the bed. He then hummed to himself the lyrics of Mack The Knife and eventually drifted off to sleep. His mind filled with dark imagery of all the evil things he had done in the past and his desire to do even more in the future. He wondered what it would be like to kill the Batman after he was ready with his preparations.