OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


Website Update – Post Summary and Formatting options

I’ve added two great new features to the Ongoing Worlds website this week, as well as fixing a few bugs that were causing problems.

Post Summary

This was something which was inspired by the Yahoo Groups page that I’ve been running my Blue Dwarf game on for over 10 years. A table allows you to see how many posts were submitted each month, and different years will appear on different rows underneath. It’s a great way to see at a glance how long a game has been running for, and how popular it’s been.

If you’re worried that a game might be too involved for you, and has hundreds of posts per month, then you’ll be able to see on this table. Or the opposite, if a game seems to be struggling with only a few posts per month and you want a faster paced experience, you’ll be able to tell by looking at this table.

Post summary

The post summary, showing posts per month since the game started

This table will show on your game’s homepage, and will only show if you game has more than 20 posts.

Formatting options when posting

When you submit a new post, you’ll now be able to apply some formatting options. This will allow you to make your text bold, italic or underlined, and other options below:

  • Make a link – Link some text to an external page, or link to your character’s profile if you want.
  • Change the size – You have an option of selecting “big” or “small”, or the default which is “normal”.
  • Clean – If you’ve added lots of formatting to the page, highlight it all and select “clean” to remove all formatting and go back to plain and simple text.
Formatting options

New formatting options when creating a new post

If the formatting options are causing you problems (like maybe you’re on a mobile device which doesn’t support them) you can change back to plain text by clicking the button on the right.

Also if you’re writing a massive long post, you can make the textbox larger by dragging it down.

You must have written at least 10 posts (in any game) before you can use the formatting options.

More updates still to come

I’m planning some more updates to Ongoing Worlds soon, but if you have any suggestions please let me know either by emailing me at or on Facebook.