SciWorld 2019: May 18th

That’s right, the 2019 edition of the SciWorld Online Convention will take place May 18th from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST in a Discord chat server. As always, SciWorld is open to all simmers and online role players, regardless of rank or club affiliation, and the ticket price remains $/£/€ 0. This year we’re blessed with three hosts who are working hard as you read to put together a great program for us all:
- Akoomi of Role Play Wiki
- Kathryn Burke of Theta Fleet
- Josh Hina of The New Universes Project
What can you do?
First, plan to attend! This is when the entire simming and online role playing community comes together to discuss new ideas, compete in fun trivia games, and finally, to sim! Second, invite your friends. There really is nothing quite like SciWorld. It’s an experience that words simply can’t do justice. Finally, consider hosting a one-hour discussion, trivia, or sim. What better way to share your experiences with the greater community? Email me at star [dot] idf [at] gmail [dot] com with your event title and your top three time slot choices. Please put “SciWorld” in the subject line.
More information, including URLs and a schedule of events, will be posted later to this blog. Until then…
See you at SciWorld ’19!