Classified Information

Katya noticed Sir Simon wince when she shook his hand. Oops, didn't see that injury. Part of her also couldn't help but notice that Sir Simon had a really handsome face, though that observation may have been a side effect of her near-death experience.

She nodded her head as Simon described his mission. Replying to his inquiry, Katya responded, "I too am seeking a noblewoman, a woman known as Sabina Hoyt Hibiscus, who we suspect possesses sensitive material that disappeared from the Royal Archives."

She sighed. Though the information was top secret, she decided to indulge further information to Simon, who had, after all, just saved her life. "She is believed to have somehow gotten her hands on a spellbook on necromancy. It is critical that I recover this book before the wrong kind of person manages to get it from her."

Katya took a breath. "So maybe we are looking for the same person. If so, would you like to help me find a way into Dalen?"

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