Odd Plants

Her clan had a sizable treasure trove hidden under the roots of trees and in the hollows of their boles that had been acquired over the centuries, much of it heisted from unsuspecting humans, but Horo's vast collection of the rare and the odd put it completely to shame. That he had even far more underneath his shop boggled her mind. "I can imagine how difficult it would be to find someone able to make accurate appraisals of your merchandise," she commented, looking around at what he had on display.

At his flirtatious words toward her, she narrowed her silver-blue eyes with a wise grin. "Well... I'm partial to rare lilies, any exotic chrysanthemums you might have found in different parts of the world, and I hope to find some saxifrage for the rock garden I'm building. But I'd be interested in anything else that you think I might appreciate. Colourful gerberas, unusual daffodils, anything like that. As for dangerous plants, I grew up in the forest and I've even enchanted some of my plants to protect my home and garden. If you have any robust species they might make better guardians, unless you think they would have too much of a will of their own? I've heard of some plants with teeth that trap and eat insects, but those kind don't grow around here, and I wouldn't want to ever hurt anyone."

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