A New Face

After questioning some villagers about the whereabouts of the visitors, Auriel made her way to the inn where they were last reported to have been seen. Upon walking in, she scanned the scene and quickly noticed the girl that had been reported to have been travelling with her stepbrother. The girl was sitting with a man and together, they seemed to be reviewing a map.
The inn started to quiet down as people took notice of Auriel's arrival. Her face and reputation were well known to the people of Rohan, so if she was here for business, things were bound to get interesting.
Auriel approached the man and the rescued slave. They did not seem to notice her coming until she said, "Hello strangers, you seem to be lost. What brings you to Rohan?"
As the man looked up at her, she saw a spark in his eye, the same spark she had seen in her younger stepbrother, Talin's eyes when she had first met him. It was the spark of recognition, for Auriel's figure greatly resembled that of their mother, Aello. Auriel knew then that this man was her newest brother, and a smile broke across her face.

As Jack looked up to see Auriel he was a bit taken back as this was the first time he met a tiefling. Auriel had a bizarre presence about her as she caught his attention. She was attractive, polite and strong, yet intimidating at the same time. Till now they managed to avoid attracting attention to themselves in Rohan so Jack was hoping to avoid more trouble and tried to just be polite to avoid a fight. He was fearless when it came to combat, but it would be hard to protect LeLu at the same time when he was out numbered. He moved closer to LeLu so he could grab her and make a run for it if she was with the slavers as he folded his map and smiled at Auriel. Since he was young and ignorant to the new world as well as his extended family he had yet to meet.

Jack: Ummm.....hello. To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?

Tag (He thinks Auriel may be one of the hunters after him)

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