Persons of Interest

She listened avidly, finding the trajectory of his life truly fascinating, and also how he had adopted a new name to better fit him. She was unaware humans did anything like that. Her true name was Orla, of the Carling clan, ancient guardians of the forest portals. But there was terrible power in knowing the true name of one of her kind, and so she often used many others. His name sounded like something from the Far East. Perhaps as far as the land of the Tengu. She had heard about that gambling house, but had never been inside before. That awful Valade woman frequented the place.

"You are the first person to actually be this interested into talking to me," Horo said.

Her angelic smile spread radiantly to her bewitching eyes. "Well, I find humans to be very interesting, and you are more interesting than most." She then added, impishly, "and I've always been more of a dog girl than a cat lover."

She placed the blue rose bulbs carefully in her basket. "I think I will look around some more."

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