Prep work

Ryder was in a special safe house. Prepping some of this special gear. Leaning over a table with several jars and bottles, and a mortar and pestle. Grinding up things into powder and carefully mixing them. While at a second table something was brewing. He went between the two stations checking things and mixing others. Despite his bombastic personality outside of his work shop this was serious work. One mess up could mean the walls getting painted a lovely shade of viscera red. Not really his idea of fun. Ryder placed balls made of blueish gray paper on the table filling them with the powder mix and sealing them with pitch and a fuse. Placing them in a large metal box once they were finished. They could dry there plus safer away from any source of combustion. Even though they were far safer now that they were just flash bombs before they could have ended up much worse if the mix wasn't right. The brewing chemical was a type of alcohol though not for drinking. This was for burning, and could clean a wound in a pinch. Though the pain may make you pass out. He knew Auriel was going to check on him today. Most of the stuff he used for bombs and such were common items and her connections could get him what he needed with out people asking to much, things like saltpeter would cure meat, also make smoke bombs meaning easy to get a hold of. Once he only had to wait for the brew to distill Ryder decided to do his daily work out.

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