Plan A-ish Version 2.0

"Brilliant Lelu. What do you think sis?"
"Sounds good for the most part," Auriel replied. "The only thing I am a little uncomfortable about is the fact that Iarlas Mia Keekbutay is from Nuna-Bhwax, which you said was destroyed recently. Maybe you lucked out and got hitched before Nuna-Bhwax's demise, but that might still raise some questions. Do you think you could be from another elven kingdom, perhaps one that still exists?"

LeLu thought for a bit as she thought of an alternative and remembered a smaller colony that branched off from Nuna-Bhwax called Nuna-Bihnys. They are a small colony and hardly socialized with outsiders since they didn't have much to trade that couldn't be found at any other elven nation. They are poor and desperate for trade at this point as they live simple lives and live off the land.

LeLu: Well they did have a sister colony that took in the survivors from Nuna-Bhwax. They are called Nuna-Bihnys and they are not to good at trading with merchants since they don't get many visitors out in the styx. I can easily say I left to promote trade for them. I serious doubt they would reject the idea of bringing in revenue since they are a poor colony.

Jack: Okay that works for me. Since they are small and remote it would take to long to check it out before we leave.

LeLu: Oh it would take two months by horse from what I understand.

Jack: Wow that's far.

LeLu: Well it is worse since the terrain is very difficult to take a caravan through.

Jack: That could be a problem. So are we in love or is this a marriage of convience?

LeLu: Can it be both? I don't want other men hitting on me.

Jack: Fair enough. So just to make sure we got it now Auriel is the warrior Elthien Talagar ........I am Ikan Keekbutay a merchant from Kurst and LeLu will be my wife Iarlas Mia Keekbutay a merchant noble of Nuna-Bihnys and we are looking to improve our trade routes. How does that sound sis?


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